Fun and crazy day today, but my kitchen was clean when I came home, and thanks to my Menu Plan, it will stay clean since supper is in the crockpot!
We left the house at 8:30 this morning and got home at 3:45. But before leaving I did my checklist. Go me!
Made bed.
Emptied dishwasher.
Cleaned up kitchen.
Swept kitchen.
Checked bathroom floors for stuff to pick up. Nothing! So that was easy.
Normally a day like today is a total excuse for having a wreck in the kitchen. Not anymore!
Also, I thought it was quite funny that even though I totally cleaned my sty of a dining room yesterday, my husband was more impressed with the bathroom floors. I hadn’t “cleaned” them, just picked up the dirty undies. Poor guy. I’m so thankful he puts up with me.