I've mentioned I'm writing a book, right? An in-real-life-hold-in-your-own-two-hands type of book. Over the next week, as I'm nearing my deadline, I'm going to be asking for quotes on different strategies that I ramble on and on (and on) about here on the blog. Have you used them? How? What effect have they had on your home? I asked about the … [Read more...]
Monday Morning Focus
Focus. One of my biggest struggles . . . But there's something about a Monday morning that (usually) brings it all in line for me. My mental to do list is just so clear, and . . . . almost . . . . fun. Before 8 a.m. today, I emptied the dishwasher, changed over a load of clothes, and made lunches. Oh, and had breakfast. No magical … [Read more...]
Reasons #71-73 Why Daily Pick-Ups are Important
Don't search the blog for numbers one through seventy. I've written quite a bit about how much of a difference having a Focused Daily Pick-Up Time makes, but I haven't been numbering them. I used artistic license to emphasize that there are just so many reasons. And "Reasons Ba-jillion and Ba-jillion-and-One" sounded less official. If I … [Read more...]
Cut the Creep – Introducing a New Non-Negotiable Task
I'm in Summer Survival Mode. I'm keeping my kitchen clean and doing the weekly tasks. But the clutter is creeping. It's especially bad in the office. The office/game room is such a fabulous room, perfect for all odds-and-ends. It's the guestroom, the Wii station, the computer room, the shoe storage/mudroom, the place where a girl can store … [Read more...]
My New Non-Negotiable for the Week
My checklist was pretty pathetic last week. The first two days are partially filled, the third has three checks, and then I forgot that it existed. I could come up with a fabulous list of totally legit excuses, but I'll spare you. I have been asked to post the actual checklist, and if I can figure out how to do that, I will. I listed all of the … [Read more...]
New Non-Negotiable for the Week
I really liked the checklist that I created last week. First let me make my excuses. I made the chart to start with Sunday. But I made it on Sunday, and then started using it on Monday, not paying any attention to how I had made the chart (even though I made it less than 24 hrs before). You can see on the chart that I did well on Monday and … [Read more...]
New Non-Negotiable for the Week
My new non-negotiable for the week is one that I've been doing pretty well at already. But, as I've found several times this week, when I don't do it, I suffer the consequences. So I'm adding it as an official non-negotiable task. I'm going to clean up the kitchen and run the dishwasher every night before I go to bed. So what's the big deal … [Read more...]
Refocusing on my Non-Negotiables
I'm not adding a new non-negotiable task this week like I usually do on Sundays. Because I've been "negotiating" them for the last several weeks. But I'm honestly excited to start being consistent in my daily tasks again. How nerdy is that? So I thought that for this week, I need to make an actual list of tasks. Since I've been backsliding … [Read more...]
Weekly non-negotiable
Here's my non-negotiable for the week.Do the tasks I already have as non-negotiables.We're now in the final stretch of Christmas prep/parties/general craziness. It is so easy for me to completely ignore our home in the midst of craziness. So, my goal for the week isn't anything lofty. I'm not going to kid myself about adding some new task. … [Read more...]