Monday morning, my husband drank his coffee out of a cereal bowl. To be fair (to my slob self), our cereal bowls do have handles and could technically be called really big mugs. But still . . . I hadn't washed dishes since last Friday. I know. I KNOW I have to do dishes. I KNOW it is the habit upon which the state of my home … [Read more...]
Every Excuse Has a Shelf Life
A few weeks ago, it took forEVER to clean the house for our weekly church home group meeting on a Sunday night. This was because the meeting hadn't been weekly for several weeks due to weather-related-cancellation and spring break and such. Right. I'm saying that even though my house is infinitely more livable than it was pre-blog, and even … [Read more...]
Extras. And Back-Up Plans
So do you know what was totally annoying me back in December? Every single time I drove my spare Suburban, I got totally freaked out because we never reset the clock when the time changed. You know how that is, right? Oh. Not really? Perhaps I should explain the "spare Suburban" thing. No, we're not so filthy rich that we have … [Read more...]
31 Days of . . . (Lame) Excuses
Yep. Lame excuses. That's what I'm committing to write about in October. ALL of October. Like . . . 31 whole days. I enjoyed(ish) doing 31 Days of Details last year, and want to participate again in the 31 day challenge over at The Nester. It didn't take long to come up with this topic. Y'know, since it's an easy one for … [Read more...]
She Won’t Look in Here . . .
I promise, it's not Mother In Law Week around here. But really, a visit from an MIL is pretty much guaranteed to inspire a few posts for a Slob Blogger. As I was frantically getting my house cleaned up for her visit last Friday, I stopped for a moment to . . . well . . . you know. Anyway, as I was sitting there for a moment, I looked … [Read more...]
I Just Wasted 38 Minutes
My Wednesday began as it usually does. With me getting up and THEN remembering that I should have gotten up earlier because Wednesday is always my craziest day of the week. I lovingly(ish) awakened my hard-sleeping children, urged them to the breakfast table, and jumped into the shower. Somewhere between me getting dressed and the kids … [Read more...]
One Good Excuse: Maintaining the Illusion
We do Santa. We're not die-hard put-footprints-on-the-roof types, but we love the excitement of going to bed on Christmas Eve wondering what we'll find when we get up in the morning. My 8yo straight-out asked me last Christmas Eve if Santa was real (he'd lived in denial for several years), and so now my five-year-old is the only one who … [Read more...]
Something to Show for My Day
Today was a day off. A day when we'd planned to be out of town but events at church yesterday kept us home instead. Things are a little rough around here house-wise. I'm still behind on laundry after the loosey-goosey Christmas break which was immediately followed by a broken washing machine. But a day out of the routine makes my mind start … [Read more...]
Delusions of My Future – I’ll Suddenly Be Crafty
Craftiness is one of my delusions. I've had a lot of excuses for not being crafty over the years. A few were: It's hard to start a project when there is no guarantee of uninterrupted time to finish it. It's difficult to browse a craft store with a child along who wants to do every project that he/she sees displayed on an end-cap. (Or … [Read more...]
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