Last week, I shared my plan for our office/gameroom/guest room. I LOVED the comments on that post. They really helped me think through what I wanted to do with that room. The main thing I got from your comments? Embrace one purpose for the room. Decide on a purpose and go with that one purpose. Yes, it's a guest room, but only on rare … [Read more...]
Could vs. Should
Org Junkie is having a February Organizing Challenge. I really don't like challenges. I'd rather use the time I would spend planning a strategy . . . to just get something done. 100% less chance of failure that way. "I'm gonnas" have rarely worked for me. But . . . I do have a room that's been bugging me. I've mentioned it here … [Read more...]
Get Towels off the Floor – Cheap {Organizing} Tricks
I've been thinking about starting a new series this year called: Cheap {Organizing} Tricks So here goes. This first one isn't so much a trick, as a duh. My definition of "duh" is: Something that is so quick or easy that it makes me wonder why I didn't do it sooner. Yes. I was in Junior High in the 80s. Why do you ask? I will … [Read more...]
Decluttering the Kitchen Drawer
This drawer has been making me crazy. For a very . . . . long . . . . time. It's the drawer that makes me appear to be a neurotically over-zealous host. While in fact, I'm just neurotic. When a casual serve-yourself-from-the-stove guest asks where the forks are . . . and my husband accidentally tells them . . . . I find myself … [Read more...]
Organizing Systems Don’t (Do the) Work
I've purged. I've figured things out. I've established routines. And yet, there are still days when I could totally qualify for "one of those" shows. The ones where they take before pictures and viewers are horrified. Then a heroic organizer comes in and establishes wonderful systems that will forever change the person's life. Many … [Read more...]
10 Ways to Combat Messiness When You Have Little-Bitties – A Guest Post
I'm off having fun with my family this week, so I'm welcoming Jessie from Vanderbilt Wife today. (Note: Jessie is no longer blogging at Vanderbilt Wife.) Hi, I'm Jessie. And I am a slob. It's good to have somewhere to confess that, isn't it? Unfortunately, my husband is a slob, too, which makes it extra hard to keep a tight ship around here. … [Read more...]
Taking a Moment to Contain Myself, or at Least My Stuff
This week has been wild with end of school stuff. Not only the stuff I knew was coming, but extra things that came up at the last minute and kept me from having a single day at home. I try to do at least one organizing project a week, and this week I planned to do the boys' room. But rather than write a post with no after picture detailing all … [Read more...]
Motivated by Falling Objects
Sometimes you weigh various factors when deciding which area to declutter next. Sometimes it just hits you over the head. (Almost) literally. I've been doing a decluttering/organization project most Thursdays. This morning, as I deflected falling cups and medicine bottles, I decided that this kitchen cabinet would be today's project. I … [Read more...]
It’s Hard to Get Stuff Done Around the House if You Aren’t Home
When I was in High School/College/Thailand, the worst possible thing that could happen was to not have anywhere to go on a Friday or Saturday night. Free time was for having fun and I loved to be on the go. So sometimes I'm surprised that I'm now a total homebody. After two weeks of going and blowing every-single-day-all-over-the-place, I'm … [Read more...]