I cleaned out my pantry today. Honestly, I didn't think it was that bad. It's not very full. Since I'm not couponing like I once did, it's hard to be motivated to do a big overhaul of the pantry. Everything can be seen at a glance because there's so little there. But alas, I was motivated once again by . . . bugs. After I cleaned out … [Read more...]
Storage Solutions that Don’t Work
It's possible . . . . . . that someone is thinking, "Wow, she's right. That shelf is a mess. What a bad storage solution." The mess on the shelf isn't actually what I'm talking about. This ain't no organizational blog, Lady. Here's the deal. Today is Day Three of Snow Week. I wanted to create a … [Read more...]
Organizing the Laundry Room
The initial title that popped into my head was "Re-organizing the Laundry Room." Then I thought, "Ummm, who am I kidding?" I've cleaned my laundry room before. I've even given another go at using my unbelievably-cool-so-why-can't-they-solve-all-of-my-problems stackable laundry baskets. But still, that was my before pic. This time, … [Read more...]
Waiting for a Reason
This spot has been bugging me, big time, for several months. Looking at the picture, I'm sure you have no idea why. But even though it irritated me, I didn't do anything about it . . . other than to tell myself how I really needed to do something about it. Hmmmph. So, when I checked A Bowl Full of Lemons' organizing challenge for the day, … [Read more...]
The Eight-Letter "O" Word . . .
Any guesses on the "O" word? No, not "operates." Not "optimism." Definitely not "octopus." (Partly because it's only 7 letters.) "Organize." Ugh. Now let me make it clear that I am NOT saying it is my New Year's Resolution to "Get Organized!" In fact, I've decided not to make any resolutions at all. Because even though I … [Read more...]
Vacuuming the Christmas Tree . . . And Other Dos and Don’ts for Storing Christmas Decorations
It would make more sense to talk about storing Christmas decor . . . . after Christmas. Except that by then, I'll have forgotten all the things I grumbled to myself while getting our decorations out of their boxes. Like while I was vacuuming my Christmas tree. 1. DON'T store your Christmas tree in its … [Read more...]
Sometimes You Need to Sleep On It
Yesterday, I was in a bit of a mood. A never-have-enough-time-so-what's-the-point-of-trying-how-am-I-ever-going-to-kick-this-slob-thing mood. Sorry. It's my reality that sometimes the mess and/or clutter overwhelms me. I thought about completely giving up on the picture framing/storage thing. I thought about moving on to another of the … [Read more...]
Dreams of Organization
I woke up this morning with renewed resolve. I've been at this deslobification/blogging thing for one full year as of today. While life is never truly "normal" (and I'm thankful for that), the school year is as normal as we get around here. So, it's now or never. Time to start making some more real progress on this "journey to an orderly … [Read more...]
Changing the Scenery
I've been looking at this pile of shoes . . . pretty much all summer. Every time I see it, it irritates me. Every time I see it and my brain acknowleges that I see it, it REALLY irritates me. I've tripped over it. I've sorted through it to find the shoes I needed. I've disliked it. I've dreamed of the day when I'd have time to fix … [Read more...]
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