I’ve purged.
I’ve figured things out.
I’ve established routines.
And yet, there are still days when I could totally qualify for “one of those” shows. The ones where they take before pictures and viewers are horrified. Then a heroic organizer comes in and establishes wonderful systems that will forever change the person’s life.
Many times, I’ve considered applying for one of those shows. I’m pretty sure I could get on one. But other than one never-finished-terribly-wordy letter to Oprah, I never applied.
Because organizing systems don’t (do the) work. And I knew that as a get-it-in-shape-relax-and-wake-up-two-weeks-later-to-chaos kind of girl, I would live in constant fear of a follow-up show.
A surprise follow-up show.
Here’s the thing. I have two large, contained places to store out-of-season clothes. Maybe they aren’t design-magazine-worthy, but they work.
But . . . they don’t do the work.
I think I created the clothing avalanche above while pulling out summer clothes/putting away school uniforms. It’s a blur now, so I’m not sure. I just know that there were all types of clean clothes that aren’t needed right now strewn on my bedroom floor, and two large empty containers nearby.
So, at 2:44 today, I started using this organizing system. I stuffed clothes . . . where they go. Crazy, I know.
At 2:59, it looked like this.
And that included stopping for a moment because I was thirsty (too thirsty to go on, I guess) and searching for my I-know-I-just-had-it cup.
I’ll be linking this up at Orgjunkie’s 52 Weeks of Organizing. I can’t create a new organizing system every week, but I need to use the ones I have . . . . every week.
I’ve taken a break from organizing but I really, really need to get it back in gear big time. I really like my life simplified. When I first moved into this house, I threw out sooo much stuff that it was so easy to clean. I go back and look at these pictures all the time to remind myself that I want to get back to this.
Where (things) go?! Hmmm. Never heard of it.
Yep, maintenance is so important. That’s a reminder to myself. Just spent a weekend alone (sans kids and hubby) so that I could focus on organizing and cleaning in peace. It was revolutionary and therapeutic! Found you through Organizing Junkie.
Oksana from http://www.ordermatters.com/blog
Too thirsty to go on!!! Bahahahaha!! If I had been drinking something I would have spit it out. I can see you dramatically swooning with thirst into a pile of clothes.
I do this type of thing and annoy the heck out of myself. Why do I need a big fresh glass of ice water and a fresh coffee and comfortable pants and socks and lip gloss and oh wait hand lotion too! just to go up and switch out laundry for 20 minutes? Sometimes it takes me longer to get ready to do a task than the task itself, which never works when you have small children. Bye-bye task, I was so PREPARED to do you! Sigh.
I think a clutter person is just surrounded by clutter no matter what. When I used to go on walks with the stroller I had enough stuff to be gone for half a day…????? Now I try to just leave with nothing but a binky and hope there are wet wipes somewhere or just use the kids sleeves. I mean we are only 4 blocks from my house!
Ok, dishes await. Slap, Slap, Shove, Shove.
oh so true. i developed an organizing system for my medicine cabinet almost a year ago. it works fabulously… when i actually put everything where it goes. last night i nearly had a meltdown on my husband because the ibuprofen wasn’t in the “pain relief medications” box. it was, however, right on the shelf at eye level where i *should have* seen it, but didn’t because it wasn’t where it belonged.