As someone whose biggest housekeeping struggle is . . . focus . . . I’ve developed checklists that help me stay on track. When I have a list, the chances are much higher that I’ll remember where I was when I got distracted.
And I’m always getting distracted.
Because of this blog, I started creating my checklists on the computer. Having them ready to go in printable form helps because I’m not constantly re-inventing the wheel.
And let me just say that it is waaaayyyy more fun inventing wheels than it is cleaning toilets.
I don’t look at lists every time I clean, but on those days when I feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start, they help.
All of my printable checklists are available for free and can be printed through Google Docs. You can access them by going to their accompanying post and finding the link to the printable version at the bottom of the post. If that’s too time-consuming for you, see the end of this post/page to learn how you can download a collection of all of my checklists and their accompanying posts in e-book form.
Remember that these checklists are best used as inspiration to create routines and lists that work for you in your unique home!
My Printable Checklists:
How to Clean a Messy House and Get it Ready for Guests
Daily Checklist for Kids/Chore Chart
Bathroom Cleaning Checklist (It says it’s for the kids, but anyone can use it! It is DEtailed!)
Kitchen Cleaning Checklist (I’ve just added the printable version!)
Daily Kitchen Checklist for Kids
Summer Version of the Daily Checklist for Kids
Last-Minute Hospitality Checklist
All of these Printable Housekeeping Checklists are available together in an easy-to-download e-book:
All of the above checklists are now available in an easy-to-download e-book! The e-book contains the full posts, each followed by the accompanying printable list. It’s a total of 88 pages and is in PDF format.
There are no surprises! You can know exactly what you’re getting by clicking on the links above. This e-book is simply for your convenience. Once you download the e-book, you’ll have quick and easy access to the posts and lists, regardless of internet access.
The cost of this e-book is $6.00, and payment is made through Paypal. Just click on the button below:
Hey my name is Tara. I am your newest follower on your blog site would you be so kind & follow me back it would mean so much to me. Thanks 🙂 Feel free to Like or Follow me on my facebook fan page & my Twitter!!!
I can’t get these check lists to print..
Which ones? All of them?
I kept working at it and I did get them. I copied and printed. Thank you!
I can’t get a single printable to come up. It keeps saying “Google Drive Error” so I even downloaded the Google Drive app, to no avail. It’s really aggravating me. How did you figure it out? Thanks! Jana
I’m soooo sorry! Obviously, something has happened to the way I had them hosted before. I’ll put up a note on the post for now, and hopefully will get it figured out soon!
I think they’re all fixed now! I created PDFs of them all to host on my site so hopefully there won’t be problems in the future. (Though as I was doing it, I think the other problem fixed itself!!) Let me know if you have any other problems!
Just curious — if I get the download, are they editable? Just wondering in case I want to change the flow of something, or add something specific to our household.
Laura, I’m trying to figure out if there’s a way. I’ll get back to you.
No, I’m afraid not. I’ve asked around online and it seems that editing a pdf requires the expensive adobe program. The lists can easily be copy/pasted into word, but the tables don’t copy/paste well.
There are other programs that allow you to edit pdf files, other than Adobe … but they might be expensive also. (I use one at work, so I didn’t have to pay for it.)
Thanks! I suppose the copy & paste in Word will work just fine.
I’m confused – is this 28 Days to Clean, or a different ebook? Because the price on this page is different than on the page for 28 Days to Clean.
It’s different, Kate. This is a collection of all the posts listed here and their accompanying checklists in e-book form. They’re all available for free if you want to click around, or for purchase to get them in e-book form.
28 Days to Hope for Your Home is a completely different thing, with content not available on the blog.
Hope that makes sense!
now if only i can not lose the lists after i print them…chances are slim
I totally understand that, Betty! Which is why it helps me to have them on the computer . . . .
It’s just so much easier to use a search box than dig through a pile of papers!
Hey just a thought……print out the checklist and place them in picture frames and hang. They will become dry erase so you can check them off. Hope this helps!
Love this idea!
Love lists, hate cleaning! These lists are making my daily slog a bit more tolerable, thank u!!!!!!
Hi! I’m a huge fan. 🙂 I just ordered your original e-book and I’m slowly making my way through it. I liked your Facebook page awhile ago and now I’m looking for the “Last Minute Hospitality Checklist” for Facebook Likers, but I can’t find it. Could you direct me to it? I looked at your profile pic, under it, around it, but no luck.
Hi Suzy!
Click on the box at the top of the page (doesn’t show up in the facebook mobile app) that says “Only Likers” and has a thumbs up symbol. That will take you to this checklist.
Hello Nony,
First off I want to thank you for being an inspiration to me. I to am a slob. It’s true. I have been reading your posts and have decided to give it a go. First I cleaned as much as I could possibly do. We’re talking 10 hour days of leaning for 5 days straight because I could handle a week of intense cleaning I was after all a stay at home mom. So I did it. Now, here I am a week after my intense cleaning days and I’m proud to say. It’s still not bad, daily cleaning isn’t going to kill me. Thank you for the lists, they really help. 🙂
Hopefully I’ll be able to keep it up. As you said. I need to.
Yay! Go you!
I would like to know where the checklist are and to tell you that i have tried to follow instructions and it goes in a to another page and then back to where I started. I am missing something.
In the middle of this post there are underlined titles of posts. If you click on these, they are links that will take you to that specific post which has an explanation of the checklist and how I use it and then at the bottom of those individual posts are links to the printable checklists. Please let me know if you need more help!
I have just started top follow you and I was trying to get your printable checklists and it keeps telling me there is an error in google drive is there another way to get them. Thank you
Hmmm. It’s telling me the same thing! I’ll check into it. Hoping it’s one of thsoe things that resolves on its own!
I am getting the same error message on the daily and weekly lists. The other lists print just fine.
Ugh. Thanks for letting me know!
Same here, get the Google error. 🙁
I think they’re all fixed now! I created PDFs of them all to host on my site so hopefully there won’t be problems in the future. (Though as I was doing it, I think the other problem fixed itself!!) Let me know if you have any other problems!
I think they’re all fixed now! I created PDFs of them all to host on my site so hopefully there won’t be problems in the future. (Though as I was doing it, I think the other problem fixed itself!!) Let me know if you have any other problems!
I think they’re all fixed now! I created PDFs of them all to host on my site so hopefully there won’t be problems in the future. (Though as I was doing it, I think the other problem fixed itself!!) Let me know if you have any other problems!
PayPal went through. But the link for me to get ebook doesn’t work:(
Love your tips- totally worth $4.00,
But I’d like the ebook.
Thanks for helping me figure it out!
Sorry for the hassle! I just sent it to you via email!
Thank you for the printable e-book! I have two of your books and I really enjoy them. You make housekeeping simple and “fun”. Keep them coming! I love your blogs too!
I love all of your tips and tricks. I have been reading your blog and have started how you did. I clean and as I go I make a list of what I have completed. This helps me. I just became a stay at home mom so I have started my deslobification process. Thanks for all that you do.
I’ve been reading your blog for a long time and I think that my brain works the way yours does, so I was excited to see these printables. I had a few hours today while the kids were at school and I was not working, so I wanted to see what I could tackle. Just knowing how you do things- like all bathrooms on the same day- was really helpful and I never even printed anything! 😀 Thanks for your help. I have a long way to go, but at least all my toilets are clean.
Your blog has inspired me to start some decluttering of my own!!! Last week I emptied 3 large totes that have been taking up space in my guest room!!. And, most items have been moved to their permanent homes. And, we use swiffer products to clean our house – especially the duster.
Loved your new book!
Oh I’m so glad to hear this!!!
How do I print the free printables cant find them
So sorry you are having trouble, Sandra. About halfway down the page of this post, you’ll see a list of links which will take you to the blog posts where each printable was originally made available. In each of those posts you will find a text link (look for blue lettering) usually near end of post that will open the checklist/printable. If you are on a phone, you may have to grab a screen shot, then use your best method for printing. On a laptop or desktop computer, this link open a tab with showing a pdf document that is downloadable and printable.
We are working on streamlining all of this, to make it easier to grab the printables. If we can be of any further assistance, click the CONTACT tab at the top of any post and tell us how we can help.
Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Linda, assistant to Dana
Morning Dana.
I have been able to download all of your other printable but the how to clean a messy house and get it ready for guests won’t load for me. Thanks for the printable.
Cheers Tracy
Sometimes I long for”the old days” when these type list were in the back of a published hard copy book with perforations and I could just tear them out and laminate them at an office supply store to use. I know it sounds complicated, but it was actually so easy.