Want to only print one (or two or three) pages of a PDF or a Word doc, or pretty much another computer file? Here you go. Disclaimer: It’s very possible that I’m delusional thinking there are people out there who don’t know this. Except I remember a time when I didn’t know this. And I remember learning it, and feeling a little silly that … [Read more...]
Printable Household Cleaning Checklists
As someone whose biggest housekeeping struggle is . . . focus . . . I've developed checklists that help me stay on track. When I have a list, the chances are much higher that I'll remember where I was when I got distracted. And I'm always getting distracted. Because of this blog, I started creating my checklists on the computer. Having them … [Read more...]
My Weekly House Cleaning Tasks – With a Printable Version
I'm on a journey. Although in my 36 years, I have awakened many, many times with a resolve to change my slobbish ways . . . that resolve did little to clean my house. I had to clean it myself. And keep it clean. Learning skills and letting them build on one another is what has made the difference. For the first six months … [Read more...]
One of Those Days
It's been a normal, which means non-stop-busy, Wednesday. I'm feeling completely uninspired. But the kitchen is clean(ish), and my bed is made. Pre-blog, that would been something to jump up and down about, and would have been unheard of on a day like today. So, since I have nothing much to say, I thought I'd let you know (in case you … [Read more...]
My Daily Checklist – Now With a Printable Version
Oh, the Daily Checklist! In the deslobification process I've been going through this past year, it's been my very best friend. Basically, it's a list of the habits I've been working to develop in an effort to transform my home. It's a chart of the things that seem effortless to normal people, but somehow baffled me. It wasn't that I … [Read more...]