I love a bargain. The thrill of getting a week's worth of clothes for less than I'd pay for one outfit makes me giddy. Sometimes so giddy that I justify getting six weeks worth of clothes. Which we totally don't need. It seems fun at the thrift store, but ends up being a curse when our dresser drawers won't close. Since clutter (even … [Read more...]
A Looser Moral Code Might Really Help
Clothes are my nemesis. I don't think I'm a shopaholic. I pretty-much never go to garage sales anymore. I wear the same few pieces of clothing almost every day. I've purged more in the past three years than any woman should ever have to purge in a lifetime. But even though I finally have laundry under control . . . my master bedroom looks … [Read more...]
Organization Products (And Why They Scare Me)
I have a phobia of organizing products. It was a late-onset phobia that developed in my mid-thirties. Right around the same time that my delusions that I would become organized once I became a true grown-up started to reveal themselves as . . . delusions. Y'know. Since I was in my mid-thirties and could no longer deny that I was a grown … [Read more...]
Purging Kids’ Clothes . . . Again
Can I just say that after the high of getting my insanely-cluttered-and-neglected garage organized, the low of (unsuccessfully) looking for my daughter's dance bag in her how-is-it-a-disaster-again room yesterday morning was not a fun contrast? It's definitely been one of those recovering-slob mood swing days that I could totally do … [Read more...]
Ten Things? Just Ten Things?
I'm not feeling very productive today. I've been going, going, going . . . but I can't see many results. And . . . I didn't clean the bathrooms. Even though it's Tuesday! Bathroom Day! I know. Shameful. For a scatter-brain, I am strangely ruled by routine. It doesn't make sense. Whatever. Anyway, I can NOT seem to work grocery … [Read more...]
Clue #1 in the Master Bedroom Mystery: Good Intentions, Bad Results
Considering its pre-blog state, the master bedroom is not that bad. Still, though, my heart would palpitate if someone other than the five of us saw it. My sense of hearing took on super-hero qualities every time one of the kids at last night's Superbowl party walked past its door. If I had heard a doorknob moving, I would have knocked someone … [Read more...]
Two Newly Empty Containers!!!
Today was the day for the much dreaded seasonal-clothing-changeover. I had been putting it off, but was getting pretty tired of digging through the "stored" clothes on a daily basis. I'm sure that tomorrow the weather will be shorts-wearing-sunny, but since Thanksgiving is next week, it's probably not entirely crazy to call it fall. I've been … [Read more...]
Attacking Clothing Clutter
It's time. Time to reclaim the master bedroom. The biggest challenge? Clothing clutter. Last week, it looked like this: OK, let me explain part of my slob-problem here. You look at this picture and see chaos. I look at this picture and see a logical explanation. Where we live, summers are hot. When we packed to go to Colorado in … [Read more...]
I’m Back!!! Daily Checklist for a Post-Vacation Disaster Zone
I'm finally back! After 13 days gone and 17 hours of driving in one day, we arrived home at midnight last night. 13 days. 17 hours. Midnight. 3 kids. OK, I'm done. I just wanted to be sure you felt sufficiently sorry for me. Actually, we had a blast, and achieved the coveted balance between loving our vacation and being glad to … [Read more...]