It's Monday morning. At 9:12, I'm just now getting to work. I already feel behind. Last week threw me some curveballs, so the days I thought would be spent getting ahead on this blogging gig were spent doing crazy things that seem to randomly come up with this book-publishing thing I've committed to do. And then Mother's Day. We spent it with … [Read more...]
Over My Lifeless Body
Tomorrow is the first day of school. Yes, I've already cried about it. While I'll miss the joy of sleeping late and yakking with my kids over lunch, there is some appeal to getting back into a routine. Routines help. Days with definite obligations and definite assignments help me combat my Slob Vision and keep this place out of Disaster … [Read more...]
“Home”work Time
I have an idea in my head of a post to write about how I'm proud of myself for tackling the daily task of cleaning the kitchen (the neglected-over-the-weekend kitchen) while the kids did homework sprawled out on the floor this afternoon. See the picture? It means I really was thinking about this post. See the title? That shows some … [Read more...]
The Afternoon Dilemma
(Welcome to a stream-of-consciousness post that may or may not end with a profound revelation. Your guess is as good as mine.) I didn't post yesterday. I arrived home from my Bible Study with an hour before school pick-up time, and had to shower. Y'know, since a sweetie-pie picked his nose while sitting on my lap. Anyway, I spent … [Read more...]
Random Progress
I arrived home after a weekend away to find . . . . . . a messy house. So today, I have: Exercised Loaded the dishwasher Emptied the dishwasher Washed large dishes Unpacked clothes from trip Gathered laundry Sorted laundry Washed laundry Dried laundry Folded laundry Entertained my children Sounds impressive, right? Unfortunately . … [Read more...]
Forging a New Path (Through the Clutter)
We've been back for less than three days, and I'm a little overwhelmed. Partly by the Vacation Recovery but also by the totally full calendar that hangs on my wall. While swimming lessons are messing with my rhythm this week, next week it will be VBS, and then Cousins' Camp, followed by the Savvy Blogging Summit, and then I'm directing the … [Read more...]
Even on Vacation . . . I’m Not Normal
Here’s the window into our room at Disney World last week. The blinds are closed. My blinds are almost always closed. I like it when they’re open, but I rarely remember to open them. I do remember to close them . . . when it gets dark outside and I start to worry that the neighbors can see our still-to-be-cleared kitchen … [Read more...]
Some Weeks You Make Progress . . . Some Weeks Not
Last week I made quite a bit of progress. I was on a roll. Before I knew it, I'd be at a point with nothing left to declutter and nothing left to write. And then this week happened. Hubby was sick on Monday. Tuesday was a legit Snow Day. Today, Wednesday, is a … [Read more...]
I’m Back!!! Daily Checklist for a Post-Vacation Disaster Zone
I'm finally back! After 13 days gone and 17 hours of driving in one day, we arrived home at midnight last night. 13 days. 17 hours. Midnight. 3 kids. OK, I'm done. I just wanted to be sure you felt sufficiently sorry for me. Actually, we had a blast, and achieved the coveted balance between loving our vacation and being glad to … [Read more...]