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Why I Have to Run the Dishwasher EVERY Night
Containers and Limits and How They’ll Change Your Life! Podcast
The Laundry Management Method that is Rocking My World
Making Shower Cleaning as EASY as Possible
Clothing Management – Hanging vs Folding
2 Second Task – Throw away the Pen
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My refrigerator and freezers are cluttered full. I had to tape my freezer shut to keep the door closed this week. Do you have some hints? I have a lot of condiments: salad dressings, jams, jellies, syrups, and sauces for cooking. This week, I even have vegan margarine and cashew milk to cook for my daughter. Do most people throw away nearly full jars of condiments and buy a whole new jar when they make a recipe? I lead a busy life, and decluttering the fridge and freezer is another not-so-fun task. I have a lot of produce, too, so we can pack lunches with fruits and vegetables.
Did you listen to the “Containers and Limits” podcast? That really would apply to this.
I heard you say “What can I do to make this better?” There may be one tiny doable thing that can give me a start (after trash). That may be the cure to paralysis. I need a GIANT poster of it, though. If I can say this to myself, I think there should always be SOMEthing I can answer back in each situation . “Well, I could carry the full recyclable bin out of the house to the storage building until the next trash day.” (I have to bag mine up temporarily, because I get so many.) Anyway, that sentence you said really hit home with me.
Looking for ONE task that I can do (or item to remove) that makes that area look better may be a key to help me get past the overwhelm in that location and then look for another ONE task.
Clean the shower while taking a shower: mind=blown. I have a new dish brush thingy, and am going to start this today. Thank you for making things so practical and easy, Dana. 🙂
Dana – This was such a great episode. (I listen to all of them but I especially liked this one!) Are you planning to make the list of 10 into a post, or did you somewhere and I missed it? It would be great to have all of the tips in one spot for future reference.
I swear we maybe had the same upbringing… my mom always has to hold on to things “just in case” but unfortunately she never learned her clutter threshold, and as a result, never passed it on to me.
I love that you get your family involved and working to change the mindset. That will serve them so well when they are eventually out on their own. I had to learn so much when I was in my 20’s and thirties (and forties… and probably into my 50’s)
I just want to say, even though I have listened to 113 podcasts, and I KNEW that having less clothing made laundry so much easier, I did not connect that also having fewer containers would keep me from having so much leftover food going bad in the fridge!
Duh. 🙂
Hi Anna, I was going to suggest that you & your family only eat what you have in your fridge/freezer & pantry until its all gone, then do a deep clean up before you go out to buy essential items (obviously throw away anything that’s gone off or doesn’t taste good or expired) you’ll be surprised how much money it will save you & will show you that less is better than more!