I do much better at making a list of things I've already accomplished than at making lists of things I need to do. Y’know, since it doesn’t really matter if I misplace the Done List . . . As I begin 2013, I’m looking back at the things I did in 2012 as way to remind myself how much can be accomplished in one year. 1. I rearranged/created … [Read more...]
Plans for 2012
I'm having a hard time believing that the new year is here! On this third New Year's Day since I started A Slob Comes Clean, I've decided not to make any big proclamations. I'm just going to keep chugging along, trying to maintain the order I've achieved so far in my deslobification process, and working to gain more traction through … [Read more...]
Freeing Myself from the Stress of a Good Thing
I wasn't going to link up to Works for Me Wednesday today. I've been sharing my short-term plans that will hopefully have long-term benefits in 2011 this week, so I didn't feel like I had anything that was proven to share as a tip. But then, I saw that the theme this week is what doesn't work. I can do that. And I can do that with a post … [Read more...]
The Eight-Letter "O" Word . . .
Any guesses on the "O" word? No, not "operates." Not "optimism." Definitely not "octopus." (Partly because it's only 7 letters.) "Organize." Ugh. Now let me make it clear that I am NOT saying it is my New Year's Resolution to "Get Organized!" In fact, I've decided not to make any resolutions at all. Because even though I … [Read more...]
My To Do List for Week One of 2011 – NOT a Resolution
I'm not making resolutions this year. Day by day, step by step, conscious decision by conscious decision. That's the only way I've found to make progress in this deslobification thing I'm doing. So rather than share a bunch of "Imgonnas" for the entire year, I'll share a few "I'm going tos" for this week. Some will hopefully affect the … [Read more...]
Empty Shelves and Tubs . . . Adjusting My Mindset for Summer
If you've been reading lately, you know how much I love summer with the kids. You also know that I'm a little scared. It feels a little like Chapter One of the blog is coming to an end. I began this blog on the first day of this school year, determined to hold myself accountable and begin to focus on my home. Although it's very far from … [Read more...]
Finding Places . . . . for EVERYthing?
Did I really say I would find a place for EVERYthing? In my house, everything is a lot of stuff. I guess that's the point. Thanks to my daily to-do list, I've been going through different hiding spots. Spots which at one point I thought were good places for those totally-random-items that don't have any other place to … [Read more...]
My Blog-Related Goals for 2010
I'll start with the big one. (The completely obvious one.) 1. Focus The content of the blog isn't going to change. It can't. The content is my recorded journey to get my home in order, and I have a very long way to go. I must stay focused on my home. Making it truly functional, welcoming for my husband and children, and … [Read more...]
Being Realistic or Continuing the Problem?
I think that at this exact moment in time, all of my dishtowels and dishcloths are clean. A good thing, right? Hmmm. I don't know how to answer that exactly, because when they're all clean, the cute little basket where they're supposed to go . . . overflows and looks awful. I have a lot of them. And yet, somehow, there are many, many … [Read more...]