Don't worry. I'm not over-simplifying or assuming your home is a few tweaks away from perfection. But these ten simple things that I've learned the (very) hard way over the past seven years of my own deslobification process have had a big impact. A much bigger impact that I would have ever believed possible. 1. Do your dishes. I could go on and … [Read more...]
How Many T-Shirts/Shorts/Pairs-of-Undies Do You Need?
One of the most common decluttering questions I hear is: How many (fill in the blank with whatever item they're currently stressing over) do I need? It's a logical question. I've asked it many times in my own home. Many, many times. How many hangers should I have? How many t-shirts do I need? How many pairs of shoes should I keep? How many … [Read more...]
Getting Better and Better (Little by Little)
Oh how I love a big reveal. I love it when things go from awful to wonderful in one day. But real life, fortunately/unfortunately seems to be more about the small improvements. The ones that happen again and again. At random moments. I shared my laundry room cleanout last spring. I was excited to be able to use my narrow rolling rack that … [Read more...]
Decluttering Momentum in Action
Quite a while ago, I received a quick note from one of you sharing your success cleaning out your closet. I had every intention of posting it as a reader story, but I'm glad (for once) that I didn't get it done right away. I received another message recently, with details of an even bigger decluttering success story. This is a great … [Read more...]
What’s the Difference? Ten Minutes.
What’s the difference between “I can’t do this! My house is out of control! I’m doomed!!!” and “Aaaahhhh. I feel so much better now”? Ten minutes. On last week’s podcast, I shared a reality check. My house was a wreck. A bigtime wreck brought about by my current Tunnel Vision writing this book that’s due in less than a month. I’m stressed, … [Read more...]
From the Mailbox: How Do I Tackle an Overwhelming Project?
Today I'm sharing an email conversation I had a while back. I asked the emailer if I could share since her struggle is one many of us have faced. First Email: Hi Nony! I have watched your videos and ordered your books (and actually read them!) and have a project I feel totally clueless about. Thought maybe you might have some suggestions? ( I … [Read more...]
From The Mailbox: Guess What I Can See Now!
{Some days I like to share letters that readers have sent in, just for fun. Today is one of those days.... -Nony} Dear Nony, I'm finally at a place where the house is "normal" for a long enough periods of time that I can focus on these things! Before your blog and you introducing me to podcasts, there were constantly too many … [Read more...]
Nony Turns 40!
Happy Birthday to me! I'm scheduling this post to go up the night before I turn 40. The Big Four Oh. To celebrate, I'm waxing eloquent about growing older. Here goes: When I turned ten, I cried. I cried because I was getting old. For real. Thankfully, my concerned teacher took me out in the hall, asked me what was wrong, and then … [Read more...]
Creating a New Comfort Zone
I haven't written much about the fact that . . . . I have worked out (like, at a gym and EVERYthing) at least three days a week for eight weeks now. It's the ninth week, and I've already done two days. I'm proud of myself, but I'm petrified that the minute I write a post stating that "this is my workout routine" I'll break my … [Read more...]
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