My brain is on overload, but I’m in the zone as the deadline for the book I’m writing approaches so quickly!!!
Don’t know what I’m talking about? I’m writing a book that will be published by Thomas Nelson (that you’ll be able to buy in a bookstore and hold in your hands).
I want to bring a little of our Slob Club to that book. I want the person who picks it up to know she’s not alone, just like you knew you weren’t alone when you landed on this site. To do this, I need some quotes! I’m going to be sharing some forms with you over the next two weeks that you can fill out if you have a personal story to share using one of the strategies in your own home. Be brief or lengthy, funny or matter-of-fact or poignant. Write what you want to write, and it might end up in the book (or somewhere else)!!
If you can’t see the form below, click here.
Feel free to state your name as anonymous. As “Nony” I totally understand.
This first one is The Container Concept. How have you used it in your home?
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you don’t need to fill out the form, but I’ve listed some posts so you can find out how it will be a game changer in your home!
Podcast – Containers and Limits and How They’ll Change Your Life
Oooohhhh, I get it now! So That’s What Containers Do
Establishing Boundaries, Confining the Clutter
Doable Resolution – Live in Your House
Using the Container Concept when Decluttering With Kids
You’ll find all my “Share Your Experience” forms listed here, just in case you have more personal stories you’d like to share.
That’s so fun that you’re writing a real, honest to goodness, hold in my hand book!! I’m excited!
Your ebooks are great too, don’t get me wrong! It’s just that I’m a traditional bookworm!