Hi, my name is Dana, and I write about decluttering. And I still have to declutter my own home. Again and again and again because decluttering isn't a one time thing and because I'm the world's best re-clutterer. Y'know how kids like to put a puzzle together, then tear it apart, then put it back together again? Just for the joy of the putting … [Read more...]
Organizing Solutions Aren’t the (Actual) Solution – Decluttering My Scarves and Belts
A big part of my problem, pre-deslobification process, was not understanding how organizing solutions worked. Because they didn't work. At least they didn't work for me. And they definitely didn't work AT ALL like they did in the pictures on the package. I now know why. I wasn't accepting that any organizing solution, no matter how … [Read more...]
The KEY to Maintaining Decluttering Progress
I needed new silver flip flops. My old ones were flopping more than they flipped. I knew I needed new ones because the old ones were embarrassing. And yet, when I scored some new ones for 75% off at an end-of-summer clearance sale, I didn't automatically throw out (because they were too bad to donate) my old ones. And that right there is … [Read more...]
I Tried Out Wash and Fold Laundry Service (And Whether I’ll Ever Do It Again)
I'd always wondered how wash and fold laundry service worked, and I'd always dreamed of doing it. Of letting someone else take over this task I don't love one tiny little bit. The idea of dropping off wadded up dirty clothes and picking up clean and folded ones seemed like the definition of luxury to me. So, last spring, when I was writing my … [Read more...]
Decluttering a Storage Room Video – Helping a Friend Declutter
I've realized that I hadn't shared some videos I put out last summer here on the blog! Yes, I know it's April. I helped my friend Hali declutter a storage space just off her kitchen. It's also her pantry, but because it's so big it collects randomness from the rest of the house. Go here to watch on YouTube (and to subscribe to my channel … [Read more...]
Re-Decluttering the Linen Closet Video
I made another video! If you don't see it below, go here to watch. The basic story of this decluttering project is that I started it on February 18th, broke through the major overwhelm, and pulled out the easiest of the easy stuff to stick into an immediately overflowing donatable Donate Box. I also straightened a little. Then life … [Read more...]
Decluttering a JUNK Cabinet (a Catch-All Storage Space)
I finally tackled an overwhelming storage space in my home. A storage space I'd avoided looking at for a very long time. A storage space I had attempted to declutter before. But I did it. And I made a video. So yay. The main thing I learned: Look. Always, always look. Even if I'm sure I know (like, absolutely, totally for sure sure) I … [Read more...]
Last Resort Clutter Avoidance Conversation – Play the Crazy Card
I saved this one for last. It was a last minute, impromptu brainstorm, but it's also kind of my favorite. Sometimes, you just have to get your point across. If you can't see the video, click here. Enjoy time with your family!! I'm taking off the rest of the week to be with mine! Save … [Read more...]
“You’re so funny!!” Clutter Avoidance Sample Conversations
This is the last of the Clutter Guilt Conversations for now. Watch them at your in-laws' house and maybe you'll avoid having to actually go through these situations in real life! FYI, I'm taking the rest of Thanksgiving week off from posting on the blog. Watch for a Black Friday sale on my e-books, but let's just spend this week … [Read more...]