I saved this one for last.
It was a last minute, impromptu brainstorm, but it’s also kind of my favorite.
Sometimes, you just have to get your point across.
If you can’t see the video, click here.
Enjoy time with your family!! I’m taking off the rest of the week to be with mine!
Bwahahaahahhahaha!!!! I love this one!
And your wig collection? LOOOVE it!
~ Loyal reader, not frequent commenter Shannon P
You are terrific!! These videos have been such a support!
– Also a Loyal Reader and not frequent commenter
This…this needs to be my mantra come Christmas! Part of my family has a habit of buying, er, rather useless presents – they mean well, but you look at it and go “oh, wow, yeah, thanks, I *totally* needed that….”. Half the time I leave a bit of it with my mom, and some if it I go “I guess I could use it for something…” and it comes home, to take up space for who-knows-how-long. This would be *just* dramatic enough to allow me to leave it all with my mom, ha!
And as Shannon (above) says, the wig collection is great!
Hahahahha the relatives face after Nony starts crying cracked me up!
These have been so much fun to watch! I am glad you used your theatrical talents to make us laugh and ponder. I think of all of them, I most relate to the one where they want to give you the old table that they are done with. It’s not good enough for THEM, but good enough for YOU. Thank you for doing all of these. They were a hoot!
Thanks to your encouragement and humor, I have been clutter free for three weeks. I think this is the first time I have gone through the entire house and de-cluttered everything. In the past, I have always left one room unfinished to have a place to store the stuff I didn’t know what to do with. This time, nothing stayed in my home if it didn’t have a proper place. I make the bed, keep the dishes clean and wipe down the bathroom daily, everything else falls into place. Thank you for the time you invest in providing motivational content.
I loved the look on the relatives face too! Priceless. But then it always is amusing when people realize you’re serious. Like the island for unwanted toys in Rudolph, the people in my life know I decorate anything that doesn’t move at Christmas, so they’d bring their unwanted bulbs, knickknacks, and whatnot to me – and I really would use it. I couldn’t bear to see good decorations thrown away. But then I realized I didn’t enjoy “undecorating” quite as much as decorating, so I stopped taking them. Not only that, I donated a bunch of them. 🙂
Nony, this is your Academy Award-winning performance! My 14-year-old daughter and I love your videos, and hope you will continue to make them. Thank you!
I should learn your tricks by heart 😀
The funniest thing is that I get a lot of stuff from people who say I’ve got too much stuff 😛
HA HA HA!!!!
I love that and have felt as though I look like that to others on occasion! LOL!
Thanks, Nony!
Love this! I literally just turned down an offer for clothing from someone’s deceased relative, an adult male, for my preteen son.
I have learned sometimes getting a bag of clothes from others is unavoidable (like when it’s put right in my vehicle,) but my kids know the drill…. We have a donation bag ready and each piece is put away if it’s actually needed or taken straight back to the car for donating if it’s not absolutely necessary!
Clothes clutter can be so overwhelming!
These are FUN! and actually pretty useful for me, too. I just need to get the discipline to Just Say No the way you do so effectively in these videos.
Oh, and did I say how fun they were??