Sometimes a girl (even one who likes natural cleaners) needs more than a little vinegar. I was recently sent some Shadazzle to review. (A paid review, for the record.) Yes. I said Shadazzle. Actually, I'll say it again since it's rather fun to say, don’t you think? Shadazzle is a clay-based multi-purpose cleaner and polisher. I had … [Read more...]
Our Family Sick Day: And Death to Evil Germs
If you've been keeping up with me on Facebook, you know it's been a crazy week. Crazy as in . . . icky. Icky as in . . . we all had a vicious stomach virus. My daughter started throwing up on Sunday morning, and threw up 9 times. Nine. No, this wasn't an I-don't-feel-so-well thing. It was an … [Read more...]
Can Bounty DuraTowel Paper Towels Hold Up for a Tough Job?
I'm so excited to serve as a spokesperson for the new Bounty DuraTowel paper towels! The basic premise behind these new paper towels is that they're durable enough and strong enough to be used in place of a dishcloth. Because "even after just one day's use, dishcloths can harbor and redeposit millions of germs." Nobody had to convince me … [Read more...]
Review of the Remote Key Finder by Click ‘N Dig
This post contains affiliate links. Back in December, after a longer-than-usual-and-totally-unsuccessful search for my car keys . . . I declared to the world that the only thing I really wanted for Christmas was a remote key finder that several of you mentioned in the comments. I was tickled to death that Click 'N Dig, the makers of … [Read more...]
Giveaway!! – Fish Foam Window Cleaner
Random Observation #1: It makes me giggle that as a Known-to-the-World Slob (seriously, I know I have readers in Germany, Egypt, Serbia, Lithuania and more), companies ask me to test out their cleaning products. It's great motivation to clean! Random Observation #2: Taking pictures of dirty windows is hard. You know how a window can look … [Read more...]
How to Make the Most of Your Dishwasher (And My Passionate Love Affair with Mine.)
I'll admit it. I applied to be a Maytag Mom for the fridge. Ours was in her old age, unable to do the tricks she once could do (like making ice) and constantly tinkling on the kitchen floor. What I didn't know, though . . . was how much I would love my new dishwasher. When she first arrived, I thought she was pretty. She did a better job … [Read more...]
My New Maytag Appliances!
Last week, something incredible happened. It involved opening my front door. It also involved bringing people in (whom I'd never met before) and letting them look at, in, and around my kitchen. But it's okay because . . . my new appliances from Maytag were delivered!! Yes, I'm crazy-excited about being a Maytag Mom, but I'm mostly … [Read more...]
Chicago Cutlery Knives (And my Ultra-Easy Guacamole “Recipe”)
I think it's time. Finally. It's time to carefully pack up most of my old knives for the donation truck. I'll need to write on the package: "Dear Mr./Ms. Donation Picker Upper, Please be careful because there are knives in this package. They're not terribly sharp, but I thought I'd let you know." I've been using my … [Read more...]
Making Family Memories on the Water
I've mentioned our pre-millenial vehicles before. Have I mentioned our boat? Because it's almost pre-me. As in . . . our boat is a whole two years younger than I am. (And I'm 38.) A boat (that boat, actually) is a huge part of my husband's memories with his dad. He loves to fish, and there's never any question that his favorite fishing … [Read more...]