The kitchen. Oh my. I have had a full-fledged, in-my-face reminder of the fact that I am a slob. A reminder of how a week of minimal/survival effort followed by two days of full-on neglect can create a kitchen worthy of starting a blog called A Slob Comes Clean. Last night, I had the all-too-familiar feeling of frustration come over me as … [Read more...]
Daily Checklist? Oh, yeah, that.
7 kids. We thought we wore them out swimming in our small-town-still-has-a-high-dive-pool. We thought that with all of the running around and screaming they'd go right to sleep.We thought that after staying up talking (loudly) for hours after being put to bed, they'd sleep past 6:30 a.m.We were so wrong. But everyone had fun. I'm exhausted though, … [Read more...]
Empty Shelves and Tubs . . . Adjusting My Mindset for Summer
If you've been reading lately, you know how much I love summer with the kids. You also know that I'm a little scared. It feels a little like Chapter One of the blog is coming to an end. I began this blog on the first day of this school year, determined to hold myself accountable and begin to focus on my home. Although it's very far from … [Read more...]
Standing on the Edge of the Cliff
It's been one of those weeks. One of those like we all have. My house has been toward the bottom of the priority list. On Monday, I got all of our laundry done. On Tuesday, I cleaned the bathrooms quickly since there was a school assembly to attend and a little boy to pick up for lunch on his "liquid diet" day. On Wednesday, we spent most of … [Read more...]
The Wonderbra Avalanche
No, not an avalanche of Wonderbras. In this metaphor, the Wonderbra is not the snow, it is the idiot who whistles or claps or whatever and causes the avalanche. Actually, it is probably the whistle itself . . . and I am the idiot. Last week was a bit crazy, but I was holding on. I did enough of my daily tasks to keep things sane, and did … [Read more...]
Daily Checklist – White Feathers Everywhere
No, the white feathers are not from a feather duster.This week is a bit crazy. I'm directing the drama for our church's Easter service, so I'm squeezing in rehearsals all over the place. And, I got a call to sing one song for a benefit dinner on Saturday and went to that rehearsal and it turned into two songs and a dance. A solo dance, and I'm … [Read more...]
My Home Is Not The Stage
If you read regularly, you may have noticed that every Wednesday, I get behind. Wednesdays are my day to leave the house early and go to Bible Study, run errands, etc. So my focus is not my home, because I'm not in it. When it comes to home organization, I'm very much an out-of-sight - out-of-mind kind of girl. Hence the fiasco that is my … [Read more...]
My Off-Balance World
I'm off balance in more ways than one. First of all, I still feel the boat moving, and I got off more than two days ago. I'm ready for this equilibrium problem, or whatever it is, to stop.Secondly, and mainly, things are off-balance because they are out of routine. It's a holiday week, and my kids and husband are home for the entire week. Nothing … [Read more...]