7 kids.
We thought we wore them out swimming in our small-town-still-has-a-high-dive-pool.
We thought that with all of the running around and screaming they’d go right to sleep.
We thought that after staying up talking (loudly) for hours after being put to bed, they’d sleep past 6:30 a.m.
We were so wrong.
But everyone had fun. I’m exhausted though, and am hoping to write quickly and then go lay down for a while.
As for my daily checklist?
Made bed? No.
Emptied dishwasher? No
Anything else? No.
I did run the dishwasher last night, so the kitchen isn’t a total disaster. Maybe after a while I’ll have the energy to empty it.
Thanks to my friend (a rare real-life-reader), we did clean up the kitchen last night and folded laundry.
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