I promise, it’s not Mother In Law Week around here.
But really, a visit from an MIL is pretty much guaranteed to inspire a few posts for a Slob Blogger.
As I was frantically getting my house cleaned up for her visit last Friday, I stopped for a moment to . . . well . . . you know.
Anyway, as I was sitting there for a moment, I looked down and saw a small pile of clothes at my feet. (Picture above is a re-enactment staged for the sake of appropriateness of the clothing items.)
Perhaps it was because I was in Cleaning Mode that I even registered this pile of clothes.
Registered that they were there, and that they needed to be moved. But then my natural slob instinct kicked in and I REASONED that there was no need to move them.
Y’know, since no one would be using that bathroom.
The fact that maybe they should be moved JUST BECAUSE they’re dirty and don’t actually go there . . . didn’t count as a reason.
Thankfully, I went against my ever-so-persuasive Slob Logic and moved the small pile to the big pile where the dirty laundry is actually supposed to go.
Oh, how I wish that logic would kick for this family of 5- slobs!
I’m not a slob but reading your blog has given me greater insight into those people in my life who are slobs. Thank you for allowing this “normal” (in terms of housecleaning anyway) person a glimpse inside a slob’s brain.
I love the way you break it down for us…exactly what goes through my own mind!
Right there with you, Nony. I just moved the dirty towels out of our downstairs bath, which EVERYONE uses, the other day because I noticed they had been there a week…
Keep up the good work,
Emily 🙂
Good for you! We slob brains are quite talented, being able to REASON our way out of doing something that ought to be done. You’ve come a long way, baby, being able to motivate yourself into that ‘small’ task!
Ahhhh Yes!!!! What gets me is how my brain has a way of auto tuning things out. Seriously? You have walked by that cup on the coffee table 12 times and never thought hey I should move that to the sink. Or if you do have such an eratic thought like that dont worry you will forget it in .3 miliseconds as somthing else catches your attention. Is there help for this so called brain of mine? I am thinking maybe not. 🙂
I totally get the “I don’t have time to bend down and pick those dirty clothes up because I’m busy” logic because I do it ALL THE TIME. My problem is when I actual do pick the clothes up to take them to the laundry mountain, (er pile), I will get distracted by something else, put said dirty laundry down, and begin another cleaning task. This results in dishes on the bathroom sink, laundry in the dining room, etc. And then, I get so busy that I will “do it later”.
That is so me. I am doing cleaning for the MIL and as I sit here I am trying to not look at the pile next to me from where I cleaned the computer room. 😉 Ah well I guess that I should take care of it now.
Ha! I fear that I have passed this Slob-gene down to my kids… I HATE the piles that we all seem to trip over continuously throughout our day. I am on day two of conquering the dreaded Mt. Wash-more and find myself wondering three things: 1) exactly how many outfits do my children wear in a given day? 2) How can they have this many dirty clothes when their drawers and closets are busting at the seams? 3) How can I have just donated 15 bags of clothing and have my laundry room look like a bomb went off in there?
Ugh sometimes I wish my “creative slob” brain was just a simple BO normal brain.