Today was a day off. A day when we’d planned to be out of town but events at church yesterday kept us home instead.
Things are a little rough around here house-wise. I’m still behind on laundry after the loosey-goosey Christmas break which was immediately followed by a broken washing machine.
But a day out of the routine makes my mind start churning with ideas of big projects.
Here’s my thinking: The everyday stuff (that I obviously haven’t been doing everyday) will eventually get done. We may trip over toys and scrounge for clean clothes for a while, but the time will come when floors are cleared and TVs are dusted.
But painting a (teeny-tiny) hallway? That could literally never get done.
Therefore, a day like today is meant for painting hallways. Things that have lasting effects. Things I can look at and say . . . THAT is what I accomplished on Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday in 2012.
That would be forgotten by the weekend.
There’s the finished product! The top picture was taken when I realized I needed a before pic. It’s really a half-way-through picture!
It looks great…love the color. I have a tiny little bathroom that needs to be painted. It would probably only take a few hours….I have no idea at why I keep putting it off. I don’t even remember how many years it has been since I painted it last……that is sad.
Thanks, Mom!
At the end of the summer I told my husband I was going to tackle some of the many painting projects we need done around the house. Well, we’re 1/2 way through the school year and not a one has been done. No paint colors looked at…nothing. Unfortunately, I can’t get past the big picture which is that our whole dang house needs a new coat of paint. So, instead of just starting on say, the small 1/2 bathroom, I just ponder the overwhelming fact that my entry way and kitchen are what everyone sees and they desperately need paint. I have problems!!
That looks great! Motivates me to finish decluttering our master bedroom and get the ugly 80’s paneling painted over. Would you mind sharing what brand and color that is? It looks close to what I’ve got in mind and with four kids (3 under 3) it’s difficult for me to load them all up and go the the paint store to pick something out…. and I’m not confident in what my hubby would bring home 😉
Sycamore Grove by Dutch Boy from Walmart. It’s darker than I imagined, more gray/khaki than tan/khaki, but I do love it. It’s the leftover paint from when I did my office a few years ago.
Thanks so much!
Great Job, I’m so proud of you!!I’ve lived in the same place almost 3 years, I would love to paint my living room, but never get to it!! We just found out we’ll be here another year, my husband is letting me re-do our whole living room. So, guess what? No excuse not to paint. It’s on my future to do list!!! Future meaning within the next month!
Woohoo! Good for you! 🙂 Makes me want to get some of my painting and papering projects done!
nothing like accomplishing something big to motivate you to tackle the small mundane tasks, I say.
Our living room is the same color! I love projects like this that stay. done.
It’s motivating to mix-in the “pretty” projects with the everyday purging/cleaning/organizing stuff. Helps keep me going through the non-fun stuff.