I've been meaning to make hummus for quite a while, but kept forgetting to get pita bread to go with it. When I saw that we had an opened box of Wheat Thins that needed to be eaten, I decided today was as good a time as any. And since the food processor is now only blocked by an easily-movable file box rather than a mountain of paper clutter, I was … [Read more...]
Painting My Daughter’s Bookshelf/Dollhouse!
I've had this cute (potentially adorable) bookcase for more than three years. For more than three years, I've wanted to paint it. But because of my "issues" it has remained unpainted. It's that same old tale of the guilt over my messy house preventing me from spending time on fun projects. I also tend to think that I need to carve out an entire … [Read more...]
Photo Booth Fun!
My niece got married last October. Evidently, one of the new trends for receptions is renting a photo booth. I LOVE photo booths. What is it about them? There's something about closing that little curtain that gives you total freedom to be yourself. The booth kept my two boys, 6 & 7 at the time, busy for the entire reception. … [Read more...]
An Organizational Solution That’s Actually Working!
If you're a regular reader, you know I'm scared of trying to organize for fear of failure. It doesn't do a lot of good to come up with a big and complicated plan if you aren't going to use it. So I'm learning to think "simple." A shoe shelf right by the door where everyone takes off their shoes anyway. Coat hooks in the exact spot where coats … [Read more...]
Painful Drawer Clean-out
Why painful, you ask? I cleaned out four, yes FOUR, kitchen drawers last night and today, and EVERY SINGLE one of them had tacks spilled in them. LOTS of tacks. Really? Is this some cruel joke I play on myself while sleepwalking? I have quite a few pictures I could show you. About 10 in fact. But I'm only going to show three since … [Read more...]
Ideas, Ideas, Ideas . . . Everywhere I Look!
Evidently, I'm not the only one who struggles with organization. I've been amazed at the huge number of "helpful" articles I've been seeing as we head toward the new year. It seems that shedding pounds and shedding clutter must be the two big New Year's Resolutions people have. Someone must have done the research because magazines and stores are … [Read more...]
Enjoying My Office!!!
I finally finished painting the office last week, and I have been really happy with the color. The only problem was that I hadn't put it back together yet. So although the walls were pretty, the room was in total chaos. The furniture was still shoved together in the middle of the room. And as long as the furniture was still in chaos, I kept … [Read more...]