I’ve been meaning to make hummus for quite a while, but kept forgetting to get pita bread to go with it. When I saw that we had an opened box of Wheat Thins that needed to be eaten, I decided today was as good a time as any. And since the food processor is now only blocked by an easily-movable file box rather than a mountain of paper clutter, I was able to actually do it!
This is my mother’s recipe, and we love it.
1 (15.5 oz.) can garbanzo beans/chickpeas (they’re the same thing), drained
1 garlic clove, chopped
1.5 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1tbsp. olive oil
2 tsp. chopped fresh or 3/4 tsp. dried oregano
2 tsp. chopped fresh or 3/4 tsp. dried thyme
1/2 tsp. chili powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
Process all ingredients in a food processor until smooth, stopping to scrape down sides. Serve with toasted pita bread cut into wedges, crackers, or veggies.
This is what it will look like after processed. If you think it’s not creamy enough, try running it for longer in the processor.
I used a little more lemon juice, didn’t have any thyme, and omitted the chili powder.
According to my calculations, if you divide this into 4 servings, it is only 3 weight watchers points per serving. If you eat it with carrot or celery sticks, you won’t add any points to that.
This is so yummy and I will eat it as my lunch. It’s one of those perfect foods with lots of protein and fiber.
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I love hummus! My husband and I got hooked on it while we were snobs living in Jersey and eating sushi (I'm from Texas, so hummus and sushi were not in our daily diet before then). Do you know how hard it is to find good hummus (or sushi) in Texas? I can't wait to try out this recipe. It looks delish!
Allison @ http://www.houseofhepworths.com
“While we were snobs living in Jersey”… Oh, you made me laugh out loud!
Sounds yummy! I haven't tried to make hummus in a while, but I love it. I wonder if my kiddos will eat it?
My daughter very politely said, "No thank you." On this, I'm okay with that because it means more for me!
I love hummus and it is so expensive, this is a great idea just to make it myself. Why didn't I think of that?? lol
I've been meaning to make hummus for weeks. I think you've inspired me. 🙂
I made this recipe this week and it's DELICIOUS! I never knew I liked hummus. 🙂
Now I'm gobbling it! Thanks a bunch!
Thank you for explaining that chickpeas and garbanzo beans were the same thing. In North Dakota, we have a hard time finding 'weird' foods so when I saw chickpeas in the recipe I remembered why I hadn't made it yet. Yep, no chickpeas in ND – but lots of garbanzo beans. 🙂