I do much better at making a list of things I’ve already accomplished than at making lists of things I need to do.
Y’know, since it doesn’t really matter if I misplace the Done List . . .
As I begin 2013, I’m looking back at the things I did in 2012 as way to remind myself how much can be accomplished in one year.
1. I rearranged/created the gameroom. I absolutely LOVE how this room has worked out. By giving the room an identity, our home’s overall livability has improved. It was a project that got on my nerves most of the time, a project that I wasn’t able to do as “properly” as I wanted, but our family has greatly benefited from the fact that I did it imperfectly.
2. I emptied the master bedroom and made big changes in there. I’ll post the series finale of the Master Bedroom Saga soon . . .
3. UPDATE: Since this post was originally published I’ve also written two, for-real-hold-in-your-hands books which include the information I wrote in my original e-books. How to Manage Your Home without Losing Your Mind and Decuttering at The Speed of Life are now available wherever books are sold. I wrote three e-books. Seriously. And that’s one of the reasons why I needed to make this list. It wasn’t until I stopped to think that I realized all three e-books I have written were written in 2012. I began 28 Days to Hope for Your Home at the end of 2011, but finished writing and released it at the end of January. Teaching Kids to Clean was released in May, and Drowning in Clutter? was released on December 30th. (No wonder I’m so tired.)
4. My blog became my business. This is partly because the e-books have allowed me to make a small income from it, but also because I started viewing it as a business. I had to so I’d have the courage to say no to all the other things that I could be doing.
5. I started writing scripts again. If you’ve been around here long, you know I was a Theatre teacher. The stage is where my heart feels at home. I’ve been writing scripts for drama at my church. I’ve also remembered how much I love doing that.
2013 To Do List
(No numbers on this one because the order isn’t set in stone!)
– Go through the house and re-declutter. (Complete with webisodes . . . )
– Start podcasting. (Here’s a radio interview I did recently!)
– Decorate my entryway using the fabulous theme I thought of about two years but have never even started.
– Paint. (Playroom floor, kids’ rooms, and more)
– Get my other e-books up onto Amazon.
– Set up a website to begin selling the scripts I’m writing anyway.
– Set up another website that Hubby and I want to do together.
I don’t know what 2013 holds, so this list definitely doesn’t cover everything I hope to accomplish in it.
These are the things I know need to be done. In my dreams, I’ll accomplish all of it next week.
Oh, and then the other thing/goal/dream on my list? Write a book. Like, a real one that’s on paper and everything.
Have you looked back on 2012 or ahead to 2013? What is on your Done List and your To Do Lists?
JoAnn says
Eeeek! I’m all caught up! I’ve found your blog while looking for recipes that used already cooked ground beef.. A good 2(+) months ago. I started at the beginning, like you suggested and now there is no next post. I guess this means I can’t procrastinate about putting your plan into action any longer. Nony, you are the motivation and hope that I needed and have been searching for. By reading from the beginning, I have already started to change my way of thinking. In Dec, I made 2 trips to Salvation Army with the back of my little jeep full. My goal for this year is to make 2 trips a month. I am in the middle of working on laundry mountain so by next week, Tues can become laundry day. Years of on & off therapy have not shown me what I have learned these past few months from you! I always knew my brain worked differently but never could quite express it and certainly had failed at several different attempts to work with other systems (FlyLady & SHE). Thanks for the push & hope! (I might have to start at the beginning again, so I have something to read while nursing my little one).
Nony says
Yay! Sounds like you’ve made wonderful progress!!
hsmominmo says
WOWEE!! what a year you had! Amazing when we list it all out, isn’t it?
I’m looking forward to your script website. 2 of my children have written a script and then filmed it with friends the past 3 summers. Our son is frustrated with the scripts being used for plays at the college where he attends. I know he’ll want to see what you’ve written – keep us posted!
So much to look forward to in 2013!
Kristin says
I’m happy for you! You seem in a good place in life. Enjoy the new year!! Thanks for all of your posts, webcasts, etc.
erinrebecca says
I’m not sure how long I’ve been reading your blog (maybe a year?), but I just wanted to say that it’s amazing how much you’ve grown and changed through this experience. You seem so much happier, more confident, and more purposeful now than in the early posts. As someone who struggles with a lot of the same issues, I really admire what you’re doing and what you’ve done! Seeing you walk through all of this gives me a lot of hope.
Nony says
Thank you!
TexasLea says
Wow! You go Nony! I am a new reader but I’m very impressed with all you’ve accomplished not only in 2012 but since you started this blog! I am so glad I found you when I did because
1. I need the motivation
2. I can learn from your trial and error as I tackle my own slob prob’s
3. I can tell it’s gonna be a fun year to see what you do next!
Rebekah from Simply Rebekah says
I love the podcast idea!!!! I really enjoy listening to Simple Mom’s podcasts while I’m cleaning. Yours would be more fitting. 🙂