I’ll start with the big one. (The completely obvious one.)
1. Focus
The content of the blog isn’t going to change. It can’t. The content is my recorded journey to get my home in order, and I have a very long way to go.
I must stay focused on my home. Making it truly functional, welcoming for my husband and children, and consistently comfortable.
I maintain that focus by staying accountable through this blog, and writing to figure out why it doesn’t come naturally to me (AT ALL). I also write to find what truly works for me in changing my slobbish ways.
This focus is what my blog is all about. If you’ve read my early posts, you know that I discovered the World of Blogs in the spring of 2008. Within a very short time, the desire to start a blog put an ache in my heart. But I didn’t start this blog until about 18 months later, last August, because I knew I wasn’t ready. My family is always my number one priority, and I couldn’t justify starting to do something that I KNEW I would love (and that had the potential to consume me) when I couldn’t get our home and all of its clutter under control. The ache to start a blog was nothing compared to the pain and shame and hopelessness that I felt about being a failure as a housekeeper.
So when I sat in church last August, praying about both of these aches, I truly believe it was God who planted the idea for this blog in my mind. Right then, I thought of the title. And although I really debated about using the word “slob” instead of a softer, more socially acceptable term, I knew that He was calling me to be truthful, with Him and with myself.
This blog has made such a difference in our home. Instead of stealing time from my family, it has kept me focused, so that I have been able to spend more time enjoying my family, without having to shove clutter to the side (as often).
2. Grow the Blog
I love it when people actually read my blog. You are all so encouraging and it helps to know that others have thoughts like mine. And I’ll admit that every time I add a follower or a subscriber, my heart does a little dance. I love to write, and there’s nothing like knowing that people are actually reading what I write!
But my desire for the blog to grow can’t ever be more important than my first goal of staying focused. I wrote this post the day before yesterday. It was one of those posts where I really felt like I had a breakthrough. I was being totally honest. I love that post, and I got some very encouraging comments on it.
But then when I checked the blog yesterday, I had lost a follower. I just figured out how to check subscribers last week. I’m learning that the number of subscribers fluctuates daily, although I have no idea why. But followers don’t really fluctuate like that. She may have just been cleaning up her dashboard and deleted me because she didn’t ever read me. But there’s also the possibility that she was offended by that post and deleted me because . . . she doesn’t like me anymore. I immediately started questioning myself. Was I too harsh? Did I say something wrong?
I can’t do that. That post was about me. It was me taking a hard look at myself. It was me being totally honest. And it helped me. I can’t let a desire for readers change that.
On the practical side of growing the blog, I am committed to learning. I’ve looked into some of the blog-related social networking sites, and honestly, I’m pretty intimidated by them, but I need to test them out. I’ve also subscribed to and followed some of my own favorite blogs. I’m a bookmarker, rather than a google-reader-type (I love to go to my favorite sites everyday), but I decided that since I love having followers/subscribers so much, I need to know what they’re seeing. Basically, I’m trying to expand out of my cozy little Posting-Only-Box and start learning more about blogging. It’s not easy with the time constraints of only working on the blog during my daughter’s nap time, but I can do a little at a time.
That’s one of the reasons I’m linking to this blog-goal carnival on Savvy Bloggers. I stumbled upon it, and it seems to include many of the bloggers I already read on a regular basis. They’re bloggers whom I respect, and if they have blogging advice to give, I want to hear it.
3. Improve the look and functionality of the blog
Last, and probably least, I want my blog to be cuter. This means that again, I’m going to have to learn some things. I have ideas, but I have to figure out how to make them reality.
I also want the blog to be more user-friendly. I’d like to figure out how to put a button on here so you can email me. I’d like to get one of those handy-dandy things where people just type in their email address and hit “subscribe.” I added a subscribe button last week, but somehow it’s the biggest and dumbest-looking one I’ve seen on any blog, and now I don’t know how to change it. I have a lot to learn.
So, as I head into 2010, I want to keep this blog, and all of its benefits to our family, going. At the same time, I want to be a better blogger.
Anonymous says
I had to go back and read the post you are talking about because I couldn't remember anything in there that could have affended anyone. I don't think there is anything in there that would be offensive. Actually I see alot of myself in that post and it inspires to me just like the rest of your blog. Thanks for sharing.
Shirls says
Ah, Nony, it may be that people who unsubscribe do so because they prefer a direct feed. I know i have unsubscribed from a lot of blogs because I have them feeding to my google page. I just find it a more efficient way. So don’t panic!
Gennevia says
I happen to love your blog. I read (listened actually) to one of your books. You had mentioned the blog, so once I finished the book, I started at the very beginning of the blog. I’m finally here…only 10 more years-ish to go. lol
Tina Marie says
Time traveler and first time commenter here! I’ve been obsessed with reading your blog backwards and want you to know how much of a blessing you have been in my life! I have subscribed and unsubscribed from your blog several times, and read many random posts of yours for years, but life kept dishing out one major health crisis after the next and always left me few discouraged. Maybe whoever unsubscribed was in a position like that and has tried again since? Just like you, all I ever wanted to be was a Mom and homemaker. I kept falling short at both because of these health problems added on top of bad habits I had learned or established. Perfectionist, germaphobe, all or nothing, clean just for company, easily overwhelmed and distracted, why brother…. I’ve felt them all! I also was having a hard time given myself credit where I was succeeding, all I saw was the struggles. You have helped me see things in a new light – both the areas I need to grow in and the areas I have strengths in. This is the first time I have sat down to read your posts the right way, backwards, from the very first one. I’m determined to read it all! I wish I would have done it sooner but I’m glad I am now! You have are playing a big part in helping me get my feet back under me and try again now that my health is better! Just a few posts ago I thought “God is using her struggle to bless so many, including me! That’s why he blessed her with it!” (Yup, struggles can be used as blessings in disguise.) So it doesn’t surprise me at all that this blog was indeed God inspired! Thank you for sharing that! I love reading all the comments, I’m learning so much and feel less alone and am allowing myself to be more real with others too. Isn’t it incredible how God uses our struggles to help each other?! And even though I know now that you’re 12 years ahead of where you were when you wrote this, I hope you read my comment and know you’re honestly, vulnerability, bravery, perseverance, down to earth attitude, humor, and growth have made a huge difference in my life and inspired me. Thank you for that!