If you're anything like me, this is the point in Thanksgiving week when you suddenly look up and think, "Wait!! I was going to do something crafty and awesome with my kids this week!" It's not too late. I have three crazy-easy ideas for you that take almost no time at all to put together. And remember, the kids don't generally care whether you … [Read more...]
Three Fun Summer Activities for Kids
It's summer!!!! We are so excited! Around here, we're making lots of plans for summer fun, so I thought I'd share some posts from years past: How to Host a Water Balloon Fight Our Made-Up Water Baseball Game Apple-Juice Popsicles Kids Can Make Save … [Read more...]
The Party Was a Success!
I took a nap today. And I didn't feel one teeny-tiny bit bad about that. Thanks for the encouragement last week as I tackled Project Home Recovery. Friday was spent vacuuming and party prepping. Have I ever mentioned how much I love throwing parties? Evidently, I've passed that love down to my daughter. She didn't just want … [Read more...]
Non-Clutter Easter Basket Fillers
(Click here to re-pin this post.) What do you see in that picture? I see clutter. As fun as a cymbal-clapping bunny may be for a whole three seconds, I don't want to have to find a home for him/her/it. I remember longing for these pre-made baskets as a child. Then I finally got one. After that, I was glad they weren't the norm in our … [Read more...]
My Favorite (and Easy to Make) Personalized Salt Dough Ornaments
I love pulling these ornaments out each year! It's so fun to remember what we chose each year in the past to show each child's personality. These are definitely on my list of things to make next week! Go here to see a post I wrote back in 2009 with instructions on how to make them. I promise, they're EASY! … [Read more...]
Are You Ready for Thanksgiving?
This week has been crazy. Like . . . more than normal . . . In case it's not just me, I thought I'd share this ultra-easy Thanksgiving craft that I posted last year. It's a super-simple girl's pilgrim hat made out of paper. I'm all for crafts that make the holiday special but require almost no planning! Click here to see how I made it! … [Read more...]
Snack Time Fun: Make an Apple Sandwich Creation Station
It’s the time of year when moms begin looking for healthy after-school snack ideas. Mott’s Snack & Go Natural Applesauce Pouches are a great option for on-the-go snack times! I don’t want to think about it . . . but school starts soon. Very soon. For this Mama who loves to have her kids at home during the summer, it’s … [Read more...]
Bobbing for Apples (for Germaphobes)
Little known fact about me: I am was a Champion Apple Bobber. That's right, every time I bobbed for apples as a child, I dominated. I was generally the only person at the party who was more-than-willing to stick my entire head into the bucket and push the apple to the bottom so I could grip it in my larger-than-average mouth. Half the fun … [Read more...]
No More Easter Grass! We Don’t Want Easter Grass!
Did you read that as a chant of protest? Because that's how it went in my head. I despise Easter grass, so this year I'm fighting back by . . . not having any. Except that the purpose of Easter grass is to be filler. So, to take up lots of space, I'm using: Tennis balls. The boys are heading into baseball season and we won't let … [Read more...]