It's Monday. The Monday after the SuperBowl. Don't worry. You haven't landed on the wrong blog. The blog of someone who gets so excited about the SuperBowl that she writes about it the next day. You're in the right place. And I actually do love SuperBowl Sunday. I love that it makes 3/5 of my family excited. I love hanging out in the … [Read more...]
The Master Bedroom Saga: Putting Stuff Back (Part 8)
I did the whole Master Bedroom Saga over the course of two weeks. Two exhausting weeks. Two exhausting weeks when I was able to devote a ton of attention to this project because school had just started but life hadn't. Meaning, I didn't have commitments yet. And I had a deadline. Which I totally need on stuff like this. The … [Read more...]
My Iron’s Appendix
I've been focusing on my daily checklist this week in an attempt to get back into routine and get the house into shape after the loosi-goosiness of summer. On the checklist? Check the bathrooms for clutter. Mmm-hmmm. This has been a non-negotiable task for me since the first month or so of my deslobification process. Not that I don't … [Read more...]
Surviving the Week
VBS (Vacation Bible School) started today. So fun. So exhausting. My goal is to survive this week. To survive, I need focus. So I stuck to the basics and checked off the in-my-head version of my daily checklist. After a short nap, I: Went back through the bathrooms and kids' rooms after they had brought me "ALL" their dirty laundry. … [Read more...]
The Daily Checklist
Why I have a daily checklist: The original tagline for A Slob Comes Clean was: Figuring Out Why I Am This Way, and What I Can Do to Change. Truly, my messy house was a mystery to me. For an intelligent, successful-in-every-other-area-of-life person, the frustration I felt over the fact that my house could go from party-ready to total-disaster … [Read more...]
Another Day in December
Let's just say the house looks much better tonight than it did when we got home late last night. I know that many normal people feel the need to have their house in order before leaving town for a few days, but I guess my deslobification process hasn't gotten that far yet. When Friday is a half day of school, hubby and the kids come home with … [Read more...]
Clean or Write?
I had a dilemma today. I could write the introspective, thought-provoking post that had been rattling around in my head all day as I drove from place to place. Or . . . I could do my daily checklist. The 5% of me that knew I should do the checklist won out over the 95% of me that would much rather write than clean. Always. Obviously, … [Read more...]
Daily in December (Who Came Up with THIS Idea?)
My December day included: Breathing a sigh of relief that the Stomach Bug from You-Know-Where hadn't struck any new victims during the night. The night when our plumbing backed up at just the point when it was too late to call the plumber. Remembering that I couldn't empty the dishwasher since I couldn't run it the night before (y'know, the … [Read more...]
Survival Mode Checklist
Soooo, I thought I was better and that this stomach bug from a-very-hot-place was done. I was wrong. I've been obsessively washing my hands, and trying to take it easy while getting some writing done for the week. Which is easier said than done, since my favorite 8yo editor is also home sick. He's full of curious questions and assumes that … [Read more...]
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