I’ve been focusing on my daily checklist this week in an attempt to get back into routine and get the house into shape after the loosi-goosiness of summer.
On the checklist? Check the bathrooms for clutter.
Mmm-hmmm. This has been a non-negotiable task for me since the first month or so of my deslobification process.
Not that I don’t ever negotiate it away.
So as I was checking this task off my list on Monday, I was forced to solve the mystery of what in the world that thing in the picture was. I’d been seeing-but-not-seeing it all summer, but didn’t do anything with it because it looked kind of important.
Once I looked more closely, I realized that it was a piece of my iron.
Evidently, this piece is my iron’s appendix, important enough to be included in the design, surely helpful in some not-immediately-obvious way, but ultimately something that the iron can live without.
Thank you, Daily Checklist for helping me focus so I can be free of one more surely-it’s-important-but-I’m-not-sure-why-so-I-should-probably-keep-it item.
So, what do you do with it?
You have been on my mind lately as I have been slowly taking control of the chaos around here.
So you truly ARE the woman who can do anything, including surgery, now that you’ve removed that appendix. Good for you!
I hate stuff like that where you’re not sure if you should keep it or throw it away or you just don’t know what the heck it is! I’ve got some stuff like that in my junk drawer.
But you know, as sure as you throw something away, you need it. I evidently threw away the steamer pan for my rice cooker because I’ve had the cooker for years and never used the steamer pan. Then I read a technique for cooking boiled eggs in the steamer pan of a rice cooker. So I went out a bought a new rice cooker with a steamer. I felt kind of stupid just doing that just so I could try this method for boiling eggs. But I justified it by giving my old rice cooker to my daughter-in-law who wanted one really bad. Hope she doesn’t need the steamer pan!
Hi Nony
I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed your blog and did what you suggested about starting from the beginning. I have been getting ready to sell the house so my clutter really had to go. And just a quick question, being that it is almost September, are you getting your Lederhosen ready to sell?
Aaaah! Thanks for the reminder!
I say if you hadn’t used it in all this time it was probably safe to throw away anyway, right?