VBS (Vacation Bible School) started today.
So fun. So exhausting.
My goal is to survive this week. To survive, I need focus. So I stuck to the basics and checked off the in-my-head version of my daily checklist.
After a short nap, I:
Went back through the bathrooms and kids’ rooms after they had brought me “ALL” their dirty laundry. And found quite a bit of dirty laundry. Grrr.
Re-loaded the dishwasher that Hubby had kindly unloaded for me when he came home for lunch.
Washed the random can’t-fit-in-the-dishwasher dishes that were left.
Wiped down counters.
Started on the laundry.
Swept the kitchen.
Did a 2 minute pick-up. (Not as good as a five-minute, but better than a no-minute.)
Once all this was done, I was much more motivated to cook a good meal. Amazing how that works.
Oh, and I went grocery shopping. Which may not seem like much . . . but it was. Just ask my formerly-starving family.
Now, if I could just convince my family to go clothes-less for the rest of the week so I could go ahead and pack the clothes I’m washing today for our trip.
If you’re completely un-focused and need help getting started on a routine and would like detailed guides, check out my books: How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind and Decluttering at the Speed of Life.
This post seemed lonely. Yes, I anthropomorphise. Anyway, I appreciate you posting your thoughts. It has helped me to realise that I need to develop routines/systems if I am going to survive the week. Matters domestic seem to just happen for other people, which left me feeling that I should be able to “just do it” as well. Sadly that led to little achieved, well, little that lasted. I have definite slob traits. Progress means checking off a piece of paper, again, again….
When we were little (in the 80’s) my mum had us wear our school summer clothes (checked dresses in a variety of colours) the 2 or 3 days before a trip away so she could get all the clothes washed. (No tumble drier). Though my personal easy way when my kids were little was to just have them wear the same clothes for 2 days before we left. (I mean, when my son wore 3 outfits for 2 weeks camping, and one of those was only because he needed a set to go in the river…. Now, of course, I have a 15 year old who couldn’t possibly even wear the same trousers 2 days in a row. 😫)