Life has been crazy around here, y’all. Life doesn’t seem to understand that I need things to pause so I can finish up my book manuscript which is officially due in less than TWO WEEKS now!!!
But then, this happened:
What do you see?
I mean, besides the wrinkled sheets and inside-out pajama pants?
Fine. I’ll just explain. This picture represents everything that I’ve been working for the past six years of my deslobification process. On a day when life was absolutely insane, after a leaky roof, pulled-up 30+ year old carpet (so, so scary), a kid with strep throat, realizing my favorite pajamas were clean at the end of that day (which was preceded by an equally crazy week), was realizing I’ve succeeded.
Life was crazy, but routines exist. My routines are far from perfect, and the week after was even more scary, but they exist.
Because Laundry Day exists, I saw the point in washing clothes even on a crazy day, so we have clean clothes.
Because a dishwashing routine exists, I thought to run the dishwasher the night before, and we had clean dishes to use for our dinner.
Because I have a freezer full of pre-cooked ingredients, we ate a home-cooked meal on a crazy night.
You see a wad of clothes.
I see success.
Yay for success.
Want more details about the crazy week? I shared in this podcast.
Brittani A. says
So happy for my laundry day, which just so happens to be on Monday.
This morning I happily went to place the first load of work jeans in the empty washer.
It was nice, until I saw the dryer. I had a load of towels my almost three-year-old had started. Folded it right out of the dryer and put the small enough to fit in one basket load away.
Ever finish last week’s laundry day on the next weeks?
PS, can’t wait until the announcement of when and where we can pick up your new book!
Eugenia says
Way to go, Dana! I am so impressed. Because it’s all about how things function, not how they look, and those routines are certainly functioning well in your home, even during crazy times…
Fantastic job!
RedheadedCyclone says
OH! Sing it! That is SO very awesome. I am sitting in my favorite night gown for just such reasons.
I had 3 hours on Sunday and, because of routines, I was able to get the back Tool-Room/pantry ready for the inevitable furniture moving of the holidays, the Library (the other back bedroom) is ready for the Great Annual Yule Tote Explosion and I will actually have space to move around in there this year, laundry done and the rest of my house company (if not MIL) ready. All in 3 hours. All because of the routines.
Yay success… Yay hope…