It’s SUMMER!!!
I love this fun and crazy and unscheduled time of year with my kids, but the lack of routine sends my house into chaos!
For the summer, I’m focusing on the four simple habits that will keep (or bring) any home out of Disaster Status.
This past weekend was fun. Busy, but fun. It finally felt like summer since our local pool opened. Unfortunately, we have to get through this last week of school (which is craziness), but it was nice to get a taste of what’s coming.
I’ll be honest. This morning has been wild. It’s now 1:00 and I am just now home. I coached an actor on her monologue, volunteered with the school and then spent a few hours scoping out nursing homes/assisted living possibilities for my mother in law. I did come home for a few minutes in there to throw ribs into the crockpot and change over a load of laundry, though. I even made myself do the laundry management method that rocks my world. (It’s days like this when couch-dumping seems so perfectly justifiable.)
And it is because of this checklist that I did anything. In 18 minutes, I was able to cross these things off my list.
Here’s how we did:
Do the dishes
Sweep the kitchen
Check bathrooms for clutter (Always interesting to see what has migrated into the bathrooms . . . )
Do a five-minute pick-up
Our extra task for today:
Laundry. Half-way through at 1:18. I’m stashing away uniforms as they come through the dryer.
How did you do today?
Share your own successes and failures in the comments!
Don’t forget that you can get your own copy of my Surviving Summer Checklist by subscribing to my email list. You can sign up for daily emails (only sent if I’ve posted something) or weekly summary emails. Plus, you won’t miss a post! Click here to sign up for free.
If you’re completely overwhelmed at even the thought of the four habits listed here, don’t worry! I totally understand! I recommend my books: How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind and Decluttering at the Speed of Life for a step-by-step guide to getting your home out of Disaster Status.
If it’s your first time at, welcome! Right now, we’re totally focused on helping our homes survive the gloriously routine-free summer! Regular blogging will resume when school starts in August! Until then, find out what goes on around here the rest of the year by checking out my decluttering strategies (based on WAY too much personal experience) and my free printable checklists. See my advice on getting started.
And if you’re worried about whether you’ll fit in here, read this.
So far, I wiped down the bathroom, rung out a load of laundry and started another, did the dishes, and swept and mopped the kitchen floor. Really need to get outside and plant some garden stuff.
I unloaded my clean dishes, did some by hand, shredded receipts from February, and got the trash ready to be taken to the curb!
ran dishwasher and washed up extras last night.
unloaded dishwasher and put away clean dishes this morning.
daughter did a quick pick-up in bathroom.
one load of laundry done, blankets from weekend wash folded and put away.
still need to sweep kitchen and do our 5-minute pick up but have crossed a couple things off my blogging to-do list, got daughter to orthodontist on time and ready for Ladies’ Bible Study tonight.
How do I get the summer checklist after I signed up for the emails.
It will come in your email tomorrow morning. There will be a link to download it. If you don’t see the email around 9 a.m. Central tomorrow, check your spam.
I managed to clean up the cat food cans that had accumutated in the sink – couple days’ worth – before heading to work, where I am right now (on break). Checking the bathroom (on your list) reminded me – I never EVER see my 2 cats play with kitty toys, but the toys seem to move around, probably at night while I’m sleeping. Sometimes I find a cat toy in the bathroom, or just outside the door. Miss Most-Curious-Cat-In-The-World once stole my silver bracelet off the bathroom counter while I was in the shower. TWO MONTHS later I found it downstairs, next to the stairs. (This is the same cat that got shut in the fridge at 4 mos. old – thank goodness it was evening and I was home instead of on my way out the door in the morning.)
Sorry -accumulated!!
Actually, accumutated sounds about right for what happens in the sink!!
Especially if you don’t let the cat food cans soak first…
Unloaded and reloaded dishwasher, planned menus for the week , grocery shopped. Did a mental note of last week of school events.
I’m back to say, I washed our bed sheets and a shower curtain today and they are already back on the bed and curtain rod. I went through a pile of newspapers and then recycled them. I cleaned out litter boxes and wiped down the floor nearby. I also sorted out the old coupons and add the new ones. It feels good to get some things off the list.
Well, I have done my one additional task already 2 loads of laundry. Headed out to look over the bathroom vanities, then shower and get ready for the Main 4. Also hung up my framed printable, still need to take a pic and upload it to FB.