Podcast #6 is ready!
It just hit me that this means I’ve been podcasting for six weeks now! (Remember, I have Time Passage Awareness Disorder.)
In this week’s podcast, I share the second reason why I am glad that I called myself a slob. I also tell about my shock when I learned that I was NOT the only woman out there who struggled with housekeeping like I did.
For this week’s decluttering inspiration, I talk about how it is okay (even helpful) to let yourself JUST declutter instead of organizing. This is a concept that took a long time for me to understand, but it has helped me so much.
You can listen to this podcast here or in iTunes.
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I Just Decluttered. That’s It. (Includes Webisode)
Drowning in Clutter? (Don’t Grab a Floatie, Drain the Ocean!) [no longer available but you’ll find the helpful tips in my book]
I’m an airhead tonight, but I seem to remember reading, or hearing, you ask for reviews. Am I correct? If so, as far as I can tell, you need at least 5 ratings and/or reviews for iTunes to put the average up, so you’re not too far away. I’ve been putting off getting an account there because I go through a third party at the moment, but this is as good a reason as any to bite the bullet and just start dealing with it myself. 🙂
I love what you say about finding a correlation between slob tendencies and creative types. I’ve always been into writing, crafts, and sewing (until I figured out I hate sewing) since I was a teenager. I’ve also always been called weird, eccentric and told I have my head in the clouds because I don’t fit into the ‘normal’ mold most other people do. Frankly I think I’m happier than those who feel free to offer rude opinions. However, I know I would be happier still to not be so overwhelmed with clutter.
Seeing all of your before/after photos helped…and led me to take some of my own. Amazing how things don’t seem as bad until you do something like that, isn’t it? But the pictures, as well as this podcast has motivated me to deal with another area of my office…which seems to also turn into a storage area. If I weren’t under a huge amount of pressure this week, I’d try to do more…but that one area is going to be history before next Monday – and it’s better than putting it off until I have more time (I am the reining Queen of Procrastination, so I guess we’re both royalty). I’m also going to re-read Drowning in Clutter since I’m in need of MORE motivation. With the holidays just around the corner, I really want to enjoy them without moving stuff from one place to another first. Unless I move them to the trash or the Hospice store. 🙂
I cant tell you how much I relate to you- Ive seen your blog on pinterest before, but today after another dissapointed discussion with my husband about my inability to keep the house clean- I found your podcasts- im a teacher, a crafter, I sew, I paint-I know im a creative person but never connected my “slob ways” to my creative brain. Thank you for sharing.
Love to listen while I clean. I have such limited spare time so I am very excited you have podcasts!! Thank you!!
Thank you so much for sharing your story and your messy house adventure. I’m so glad you listened to God and that you are sp brave. I’ve never been organized or super good at housekeeping. We just moved from a tiny apartment to a lovely house with lots of room. I realized that I was blaming my messy house on the small apartment and just not having enough room. Granted, it didn’t help and even on my worst days the new house is never as bad as the apartment was but I’m so worried that it will get that way some day if I don’t change my ways and my habits now. So I’ve been working really hard on being a better housekeeper. Your podcasts and website have been so encouraging and helpful. I’ve been listening to the podcasts at night after the kids are in bed and I’m working in the kitchen. Your thought process and your tips have been so helpful. You talked in a previous podcast about why you have to run the dishwasher every night and your thought process behind that. It made me think about my thought process. I knew I didn’t think the same thing you did so what was MY hangup? I realized that I feel it takes too much time and a million reasons why I don’t have the time before going to bed. So I started making my non-negotiable chore to work on the dishes for 10 minutes. Just 10 minutes no matter what. I found that I’m usually done by then (especially if I keep up on the dishes a little during the day) but that at the end of 10 minutes I’m in the swing of things and even if it takes another 5 minutes I don’t mind finishing up the load to run. So thank you for getting me to realized that I think about things differently and how to use that to my advantage. Thank you so much for all your inspiration!
Dana, you just made me cry. I’m new to your podcasts now, Jan 2016. This one really touched my heart. I’ve been feeling like such a failure, so completely unable to create even a moderately tidy house, I’ve just been miserable lately. Your podcasts and blogs have truly helped me get started, and I’m grateful for the small progress I’ve made already, with your help.
But when you said that the majority of your listeners are bright, highly creative women, who just happen to have this side effect of being organizationally challenged, I completely teared up. You’re validating me. You’re validating all the time and effort and love Ive put into my children’s hearts and lives, even if I haven’t been a very good housekeeper.
I felt love wash over me when you said that, and I am incredibly grateful. Thank you for all you’re doing, I am now a faithful follower of your work.
I don’t know if you ever share prayers or verses that have helped you on your journey, but I’d love to hear those too. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
I have been listening to your podcasts for the past week now, and I absolutely love them. I can relate in so many ways and so glad there are others like me. I have started declittering and cleaning my house and love the way it is starting to look. Thank you for stories and inspiring me to better myself!
Thank you for having the courage to start your blog! Your words speak you my soul because we’re soo similar. The intellect, the creative side, the hoarder farmer family with grandparents who grew up after the great depression, and the endless search for organizing/decluttering tips that don’t help!! I’ve started running my dishwasher every night, it’s a start! I have a long way to go! I want to get our house clean! It puts such a strain on my relationship, and the ability to provide the life I envisioned giving to my children… I too thought I would magically figure it all out when I had children, and then when we rented a bigger house, and then when we bought a house, and it hasn’t magically happened.. I’m also struggling with something similar to your Ebay room due to helping my Mom de-hoard vintage and antique stuff from relatives that have passed, and she collected their stuff.. Too much stuff!! I have begun turning the tv off, and putting your podcasts on instead! Wish me luck, and I’ll check back in when I get farther in my slob journey..
I’m new to finding you and don’t know if you’re still blogging but your blog is so encouraging. I’ve related to you in so many ways. Thank you for opening your heart up to us and for letting God lead you in your journey. I’m hoping you’re still around. I’m already on Podcast 5 and just started yesterday! <3 Love & Blessings from Arizona.
Fabulous title & love the timbre of your voice & so many things like everyone else that I relate to, thanks a million for your gr8 advice & superb storytelling!
Dana….thank you, hon. I am a writer, a crafter, homeschooled my kids for seven years. Now they are all grown and I work full time — and STILL struggle with disorganization and clutter, especially sentimental clutter! I’ve watched all of your videos, and now I’m listening to your podcasts for encouragement and inspiration…and a glimmer of hope. I also have your books on reserve request at the library. I want to buy them but…um…I have to declutter my bookshelves first because there literally is NO ROOM. Container concept, right? Thanks again, you are a gem.
Reply to Amy My grandparents had a farm during the depression and my mom wanted us to have the things she missed out on. That makes us have a very frugal attitude about getting rid of still useful items even when we have too many. I have yard sales,then donate as I can’t take tax deductions.
Where have you been all my life! I accidentally came across your podcast last night. My goal for the day was to work on taxes, but the office was so cluttered I could barely find the desk. Feeling frustrated, I did a Google search for Clearing Clutter Podcasts (yes I have listened to many others before). That’s when I saw yours and gave it a listen. I must say, I have been listening for 2 days now as I dig my way through months of junk mail and piled clutter in my office. You are someone who I completely relate to with your real and honest look at “being a slob”.
I am a creative person who’s “Creative Messes” follow me wherever I go. It seems I just keep running on a hamster wheel of clutter. Once I clear a spot, it’s almost like an invisible magnet appears and in a blink of an eye it is piled again.
I could go on and on, but I want to thank you for putting yourself out there and giving a little humor and fun to something that can otherwise be extremely overwhelming.
Thank you so much for your story about keeping pens that don’t work. I did the same thing even though looking back it totally didn’t make sense!
I was listening to your YouTube videos for about 2 months on my way to and from work, as well as in ear buds while doing dishes (because of dishes math). I wanted to implement your whole plan, but my son and his wife and son moved in and I didn’t want to touch daughter-in-law’s stuff. We were in the kitchen together one evening and I held up one spoon or knife and I asked if she really used it, and it took on a life of it’s own! We went through the kitchen in 2 or 3 hours and filled the back of my car with donations (in donatable boxes). (She had helped me back when she was dating my son to help me declutter. Wise to keep her😉). Now we are living the dream – doing dishes and putting them away is Easy when you have room to put them away without them tumbling on your head from the cupboard!
I believe that if most people suffering from depression could just listen to you for a few months and let it sink in, by the time they are ready to jump in, they would feel the relief and joy that I’m feeling right now! Thank you Sooooo Much. I have other areas, but it’s just a matter of time.
I heard one of your videos where you said you hadn’t planned on doing what you are doing, but I thank God you are. I know my life wouldn’t have changed and I only wish I knew about you sooner! Not gonna cry. Oops, maybe just a little.
God Bless You!
I’m very late to this party and only started listening to you podcast today. You had me in tears when you talked about the common thread of creative people and struggling with mess. I’ll gratefully struggle with my mess if it means I can keep being creative. Thankyou for putting this out into the world x
I recently just found your channel and have been listening to your podcast. I can’t believe that you are telling my story. I am almost 60 and this has been my struggle my whole life. I really needed to hear that you decluttered a pen. Success! For people whose brains work like mine, they don’t understand, but I DO! Thanks so much for your honesty and vulnerability. I look forward to listening to the other 400 something podcasts.