My checklist was pretty pathetic last week. The first two days are partially filled, the third has three checks, and then I forgot that it existed. I could come up with a fabulous list of totally legit excuses, but I’ll spare you.
I have been asked to post the actual checklist, and if I can figure out how to do that, I will. I listed all of the non-negotiable daily tasks a few weeks ago.
I did do better at closing the cabinets. Having the thought go through my brain to look and see if they were open or closed at least once a day is huge for me. Pathetic, I know.
Weeks like last week make me feel hopeless about adding anything new. But considering how minimal last week’s new task was, I think I should be able to handle it.
I’m going to check the dining room table for clutter each evening.
I thought about saying “clear it” but because I sometimes put things there for a reason, I decided to say that I would check it for clutter.
The dining room is the first thing people see when they enter the house. When it is clutter-free, I am very proud of it. It isn’t a designer showcase by any means, but I like it. And when the table is clear in there, I feel happy every time I walk by. Even if the rest of the house looks bad, I’m not ashamed to open the door if the dining room looks nice.
Since I started this process, especially since I completely decluttered it, it has looked better. But it is such a convenient dumping place for mail, newspapers, and all kinds of other things, that it can get out of hand very quickly. It needs to be consistently and consciously checked to keep this from happening.
the best story i ever heard in a college admin class was about when they built the college…they put in footpaths across the lawn to save the grass…
of course NO one was using them and the lawn was riddled with tracks…
they did signs , the issued fines..they tried everything..
finally the higher ups decided to ask the greens keeper his advice..
-rip them out…rip out the existing paths and give me 4 months…
they thought he was nuts..but said we've tried everything
they ripped them out…they reseeded the lawn and waited..
after 4 months…the greens keeper told them where to put the paths…where the tracks were..
those paths work for a reason, and that's the route the kids will use, whether or not there is a put the path there and you'll save the rest of the lawn..
all this to say…i have trash cans, EVERYWHERE in the house..cause i had trash everywhere…no one wanted to walk to the now there is always one just there…i am adding a mini blue box for recyclable by the entry……but will look better than the pile of recycling we bring in from the mail box….
my laudry hamper by the basement stairs…looks nicer than the pile of laundry my kids put there…
see the need fill the need…be it a mail sorter..if it will work for you…find a system that will, make it belong..
great work, don't get discouraged, you are doing great
I have a similar problem and goal. My clutter spot is the side of our kitchen table, the spot by the unoccupied 4th chair. It can get out of control and my hubby hates it when it encroaches into his eating space. (Who wouldn't be bothered by that?!) My goal lately has been to stop everything at 5:30pm (half hour before my son gets up) and go thru the mail or whatever shouldn't be there. I've yet to totally *clear* the area, but it gets reigned in. I do a few more things before my son wakes up anyway, so 5:30 gives me a start time and focus. Good luck with this new goal!
In addition to the “landing pad” issue, I am working on a “launching pad” solution, where I can set things that need to go somewhere, *in the order of when they’ll be going*! What I’ve come up with so far is a sort of oversized expanding file, so that — for instance — on Monday evening, I can think, “I need to take __ to church on Wed”…and file __ ready to not forget! Things I need for shopping or paying bills with my home-visit needs, early or late, on the appropriate day…. Definitely a work in progress!