It’s my last normal(ish) menu plan for a while, since next week will begin our baseball season.
Honestly . . . I’m looking forward to baseball because it is such a fun time of year. And it also means PICNIC SEASON! Our local Little League plays their games on weeknights, so there are many nights when we’re gone from 5:45 until well after bedtime. Since neither our budget nor our wardrobe can handle fast food multiple nights a week, I try to plan ahead so we can eat well during this crazy time of year.
I shared a new picnic recipe each week of May last year, and plan to continue that picnic series this year. We’ll return to some of those favorites and add a few new portable family meals over the next few weeks.
I’d love to hear about your favorite picnic meals!
This week’s menu plan:
Monday – Chicken and Veggies
Tuesday – Quesadillas
Wednesday – Eat at church
Thursday – Chicken Fettucine and Faux Alfredo
Friday – Out to Eat
Saturday – I’m having a garage sale. My plan is to play the “Honey, I’m too exhausted to cook, so let’s grab something” card.
What’s on your menu plan this week?
I’ll be linking this up to Menu Plan Monday. check out the freezer meals I just made today. I have never done this before with the Tastefully Simple food products I sell, but I am hooked now. I think it saves a lot of money. They were all 10.00 or less for the main dish to feed 4-6 people and more on some. I am sure you could modify the recipes to fit your budget and they are all crock pot, skillet or for the grill.
i loved this series last year…and i love that you have such joy with baseball season…i miss that with football with my son…have to find something different here (he finds the football way too competitive here so lost interest)
Hi Nony,
I found a new idea for take-along food last week, and it would be great for sports nights. We made the mini-cheeseburger pies, with a few changes. I used whole spelt flour and baking powder instead of the biscuit mix. I doubled the recipe (we have six kids), but kept the meat portion the same. I just shredded in some veggies to help them go further (I do that all the time). These “meat muffins” as my kids dubbed them, would be so easy to change up with whatever flavour you like.
Sooo looking forward to the picnic ideas. Baseball season kills us! This year I have 4 of my 6 kids on 3 teams, so it is possible that we have 5 games a week. And I can only eat hotdogs from the concession stand so many times. Just found your blog and started following along. You are definitely a girl after my own heart. Only you look much cuter in the bandana and rubber gloves. Thanks for being transparent and giving me something to smile about first thing in the am.
My newest picnic food favorite is the walking taco.
cooked ground beef in a container wrapped in a towel to keep warm
sour cream
shredded cheese
individual sized bags of Doritos or Fritos (In our house we get the slightly bigger individual bags. The little ones are too small.)
plastic forks
When ready to eat gently squish the bags of chips. Open bag pour in an individual serving of the prepared ground beef, add sour cream, shredded cheese, and salsa. Place fork in bag, stir a bit, and eat. Yum!!!
Mmmm! Do you have a link to this recipe on your blog?
I was going to suggest almost the same thing! But we use shredded lettuce and tomato too, and just by a big bag of our favorite chips. Just pack everything separately in the cooler. Each person gets a zip loc bag- add what parts you want, seal and shake a lot – the kids love it!
We call those “Taco in a Bag” up North. My kids love them but I never thought about taking them “on the road”. What a great idea!
After reading your meat/fruit/veggie blog, the only thing I can say for sure is that I plan to have a lot of salad over the next few days. 🙂
This week’s menu plan:
M: Fend for yourself
T: Enchilada soup; Fruits
W: Fend for yourself
H: Grilled cheese sandwiches; Potato salad; Finger veggies
F: Yamas
A: Hoisin fried rice
S: Fend for yourself
My favorite picnic meal is Greek wraps, falafels with yogurt dip, and finger veggies.