During a recent frozen foods sale, I got some Yoplait Smoothies for quite cheap. Cheaper than I could find them on a regular basis, which was frustrating since we LOVED them. (And especially since our newly cleared clutter area allows us to get to the food processor easily!)
I’ve always loved smoothies. I’ve even tried to make them before, but they never turned out the way I wanted them to taste. So, I analyzed the frozen pre-packaged variety to try to determine why theirs was so much better than mine.
Theirs contains little frozen cubes of yogurt. No ice is required. You just add milk and blend. In the past mine were always watery from the ice I would add, or not cold enough because I would try just using frozen fruit with yogurt from the fridge.
So we spooned plain vanilla yogurt (2.38 at Walmart for the big carton) into ice cube trays (1.30 or so for a set of three) and covered the trays with foil and put them in the freezer.

I’m linking this up at Kelly’s Korner for her dessert link-up.
I love smoothies, this looks so good 🙂
Wow! That sounds great, I will be giving this a try.
I learned this trick by accident when making bulk homemade baby food…if you put the cold yogurt in a zip-loc type bag and then cut off a corner, it is super easy to squeeze the yogurt into ice cube trays and a lot less messy than spooning it.
Love the ziploc idea. I will say that the pic is actually of the one my 6yo did, and mine was a little neater.
Sounds delicious! Definitely going to try it – thanks for sharing!
Sounds yummy – and easy. I like that a lot! :>)
Looks delicious, I love smoothies and they're so healthy.
I having a smoothie for breakfast. First time, I now am slow to do things. I just want you to know that I still read you but like today I had a whole week to read. Been busy around here with kids on spring break, couple of events are coming up one planning for at least 125 people, another catering another event at least 50 people, and looking for a job where jobs don't exist. Maybe next week will go back to normal as normal can get.
Also you can sneak spinach into them and know one will notice!
Fresh spinach? I may have to try that. It scares me a little, but at least I know hubby would drink it if no one else (including me) would.
Yep, fresh or frozen spinach, you can even purée it and make ice cubes to use. My family didn't even notice the addition of spinach. I am going to try the yogurt cubes. I make ice cubes out of left over smothies to use as a real quick smoothie. We also change the flavor by adding orange juice or apple juice instead of milk.
Just gave you the thumbs up on stumble upon for this post. great blog keep it going
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I've gotta try this b/c the smoothies I've made in the past just didn't come out as well as ones you buy. I am addicted to the Mango smoothie from Jack In The Box and I think they have the very best mango ones of any other fast food places and even at some good restaurants! The big one's four bucks though so I'd love to be able to make my own. Can't wait to try them. Also I found some mango ones at Big Lots and figured they'd make me hurl but they were dang good! They were sooooo cheap, too and in small cups like the Jello-pudding size cups you can buy. Only problem: We live 1.5 hours drive from the nearest Big Lots! lol-so I won't be buying many of those. If they have them next time I get to go over there, I'll buy every one they have, though!!
Can't wait to try your smoothie recipe and like the comment about adding apple juice or orange juice to some of them but would NEVER use them on a mango one-it has to be pure mango for me to love it! 🙂
**Your children are about the cutest things ever!! Just adorable!! 🙂
* I post anonymous b/c I don't have a blog and barely have time to read them. Read Kelly'sKorner all the time though. Love her and love her blog. Only read a few more b/c of lack of time, though, but love the ones I do read!! Adding yours now! Really a great blog! 🙂
We make smoothies a lot here but never thought of freezing the yogurt cubes. That is a great idea! I always put bananas in the freezer but I usually just put them in a freezer bag and squish, then freeze, then break off what we need but I like the idea of cutting the slices and freezing.
We also add just a tiny splash of orange juice (it will take over the flavors) and vanilla extract or a pinch of sugar too. Thanks for the great ideas!
Okay, so it’s four years since you wrote this post and it’s a good thing I found it now rather than then. Then I would have skipped over a post about smoothies or read it halfheartedly, but I’ve recently decided they are way better than the junk I normally consume for breakfast. So the frozen yogurt tip is great. But even better is the idea of using the food processor to make them. The rare times I’ve made smoothies, I’ve used a blender, which takes forever and leaves them chunky – yuck. I have a food processor I’ve been meaning to use more often and your smoothie post is the perfect inspiration to get going. I’ve got the fruit in the freezer and yogurt in the fridge. I’ll just put some of that yogurt in the freezer and be ready for tomorrow! Thanks, Nony!
I know this is really late, and you may have started this on your own. For the last several years, I’ve been making yogurt, instead of buying it. I heat a quart of milk until it’s 180 degrees, then cool it to 108-110 (although if I forget and it gets too cold, I heat it up again, just to the the temp I want, and move forward. Add three teaspoons yogurt from before, stir it up, wrap it in a tea towel and rubberband. Then leave it in the gas range, with the heat off and just the pilot light, for 8-12 hours (of more, depending). I’ve only had one batch not turn out, because I rushed and added the culture too early, while the milk was too hot and that sterilized my culture. It costs about half what I used to spend on a quart of plain yogurt.
I love your blog, and my whole family appreciates you!
I’ve never tried making yogurt, but it’s on my list!!!
So if the yogurt is frozen, and the bananas are frozen, and the strawberries are frozen also…
What about blending everything *before freezing, then freezing the mixture into cubes?
I’ve never tried it, but do you think that would turn out just as good?
Then you could make as little or as much as you want at a time.
Did you try this? I’m inspired to go home & put yogurt in my ice cube trays!