He has figured it out, people. Yep. Dr Hubby claims he now knows the cause of all my Slob Problems. I can't aim. He figured this out by the fact that there are Q-tips all around the bathroom trash can, but rarely a single one actually IN the trash can. He confirmed it while watching me overfill my coffee cup with powdered creamer, … [Read more...]
I Am Resourceful. Why Yes. I Am.
I'm a problem solver. Often, though, I'm solving problems created by me. Blergh. While decluttering my closet last week, I ran across an example of my resourcefulness. A familiar example. I've had many versions of this handy-dandy homemade tool over the years. It's a hook. A hook made out of a wire hanger. The purpose? To get … [Read more...]
Normal Days Don’t Happen Often (or Soup Isn’t Picnic Food)
It was suggested that I write a "normal day" type post. I totally planned to do that, but then this week happened. Not a normal day to be found. Which is pretty much normal for us. I had totally planned to share cute and funny pictures. Cute: My daughter making meatballs while I browned ten pounds of ground … [Read more...]
The Stinky Bologna Sandwich that Could Have Been a Sitcom Plot
I love sitcoms. My husband and I use Seinfeld quotes in our daily conversations. We're still grieving that Go On was cancelled after one awesome season. But I do tend to get irritated when a huge and crazy situation happens simply because someone won't admit the truth. Doesn't the truth set you free? If he/she/it would just be honest, … [Read more...]
Things That Don’t Bother Me (But Drive Hubby Crazy)
I love my iPhone. I've mentioned that, right? Anyway, in case you don't have one, this is what you see when someone texts you: It's a complete text. I can see the whole thing so I know what they said. This is what it looks like when the text is long enough that I can't see the whole thing: See the dot dot dot? If … [Read more...]
No Place Like Home
Today is September 11. In the U.S. it is a day to stop and think about what matters. I hadn't planned to write about this today, but as I was beginning a short "Stop and Remember" post on Facebook, I started remembering that day. We had just moved into our first house and I was pregnant with our first child. On September 10th, I had … [Read more...]
The Story of the Dusty, Hairy Eggroll
Alternate Title: Nony's Inner Monologue Wow. I'm hungry. It's almost one o'clock! How did that happen? Oh right. I wanted to get that post finished. Then when I finally went to the kitchen I saw the sausage was thawed enough to cook for those sausage biscuits for the freezer. Then I had to change over the laundry. Stupid Laundry … [Read more...]
Behind the Scenes at Medieval Times (or Crazy Things I Get to do as a Blogger!)
Just before the kids finished school, I had the chance to participate in a press tour of the Medieval Times corporate ranch. This is where the horses are raised and trained for all of the Medieval Times castles in the U.S. I know. It's a bit of a stretch to connect my cleaning and organizing theme to knights and livestock, but I couldn't … [Read more...]
The Fun Part is Easy
This was my dining room table on Saturday morning: It had been piled high with random books since I made a video more than a week before. When I needed to make the video, it was really fun to go through the house grabbing armful after armful of books to use as props. At that point, I was being creative, using my imagination, and doing … [Read more...]
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