It's Friday again, so come join in the discussion for Focus Check Friday over in my BlogFrog Community. I moved it over there since participation was low with the linky. This way, anyone - blogger or not, can participate. You just have to sign up with blogfrog (and it's okay to use a fake name and no picture). I really love the BlogFrog … [Read more...]
Focus Check Friday is Hopping on Over to my Blog Frog Community
I know, I know. Such a cheesy title. Anyway, I've decided to move Focus Check Friday over to my Blog Frog Community. I could go on and on about how this is a much-considered decision . . . blah blah blah and yada yada yada. But, the real truth is that no one linked up last week. Don't feel guilty. Ok, maybe a little bit. Anyway, I … [Read more...]
Focus Check Friday – Finally a Little Progress
Last week I declared that I was going to enjoy the final weeks of summer . . . and I am. We had errands/fun-things-to-do on the three days designated for specific cleaning tasks, and the one morning we were home was spent catching up. But I did make some progress. Little projects like my shoe-pile-clean-up and the dining room table … [Read more...]
Focus Check Friday – Squeezing Every Last Moment Out of Summer
I think I've made my points with the kids. The house has to be cleaned to be livable. Someone has to clean it as we have no resident fairies. Cleaning is hard work. As soon as you clean it, it gets dirty and needs to be cleaned again. Mom usually does all of this on her own so the least we can do is contribute while we're out of … [Read more...]
Focus Check Friday – All About the Focus
It's Friday again, and this time, it really is. It's not Thursday night, when I'm supposed to put up the Focus Check Friday post. I didn't post until pretty late last night, and I simply didn't have the energy or desire to also get this one up. We had been gone all day visiting with friends an hour away, did a crazy but awesome shopping trip … [Read more...]
Focus Check Friday – Getting Back to Normal(ish)
Last week I shared that my focus for the week was to enjoy my family. I did. Our vacation was fun, and although the long trip home wore us out, it was time to be together. I'm especially proud of how well our kids did with all of the car-time. For next week, my goal is to have a "normal" summer week . . . whatever that is. We did well for … [Read more...]
Focus Check Friday
It’s Friday, and I’m at the Savvy Blogging Summit in Breckenridge, Co. Actually, it’s Tuesday, and I’m desperately trying to get a few posts written and scheduled to go up while I’m at the Summit. So basically, this post is a blindfolded shot in the dark, with only a little info to help me know where to aim. I’m at the Summit right this … [Read more...]
Focus Check Friday – The Vacation Edition
It’s Friday. It’s summer. It’s also the day we begin our road trip. Focus in this situation is more necessary than in a normal week, but oh so much more difficult to achieve. At this point, the bags are packed and loaded, snacks have been purchased, medicines and toothbrushes are ready to go, and I’ve made my statement that as long as we have … [Read more...]
Focus Check Friday
I'm ready for Friday. It's been a fun week of VBS at our church, but I'm glad tomorrow is the last day. As for my focus this week . . . I've survived. I halted the big weekly cleaning tasks, and I'm okay with that. I did alright at the daily stuff, though far from perfect. Once I quit expecting failure, things went much better. Next week … [Read more...]