It’s Friday, and I’m at the Savvy Blogging Summit in Breckenridge, Co.
Actually, it’s Tuesday, and I’m desperately trying to get a few posts written and scheduled to go up while I’m at the Summit.
So basically, this post is a blindfolded shot in the dark, with only a little info to help me know where to aim.
I’m at the Summit right this very moment. My mind is awhirl with all of the information it is absorbing. I’m learning more than I ever thought it was possible to know about blogging. I’m making new friends, (please, oh please, let someone have spoken to me at this point) and I’m gaining new inspiration for my blog.
But in two days, I leave the Summit and have the final days of our vacation. My focus for this week is to blab through what I’ve learned at the Summit to my husband, and get his feedback. But mostly, my focus is to let all those new ideas and information percolate in the back of my mind while I thoroughly enjoy my family.
Blogging is a blast. It has been such a beneficial thing for me in my quest to bring order to our home. I have big dreams of where it could go.
But compared to my family, it’s nothing. As much fun as it is, I can’t let it be my focus. I can only use it as a tool that keeps my focus on the right thing . . . our family, and the home that is my life’s work to create.
How has your focus been this week? Is the loosi–goosiness of summer getting the best of you? What is your focus for next week? You can read about the concept behind Focus Check Friday here.
You can leave a comment, link up a post below, or just take a moment to stop and think. If you do link up below, please say something like “I’m linking this up to Focus Check Friday over at A Slob Comes Clean.”
Shell says
I can't imagine what a blogging Summit must be like. You'll have to share a few details when your back again. Have fun.
NorCalMom says
Hope you are having a great time. Can't wait to hear all about it.
Kimberly says
Is the Loosi-goosiness of summer getting to me. Yes and no. I am reading this blog to hopefully gain more focus and to repeat that doing the same thing every day is worth while. This hasn’t been a normal year my twins are 15 months and I think one wants one nap a day and the other 2. We run on big kid schedule. Summer is a bit over scheduled. Two weeks of swim Lessons, long weekend trip, cleaning like crazy before next week and volunteering at day camp. I feel summer is going by fast this year and we have a crazy summer bucket list to get through. But it really is a week on week off type summer. I am hoping that this school year will give a bit more of a routine that works with little ones who haven’t liked to nap at the same time.