In desperation I discovered your blog and I need realistic help! please!
I’m starting to despair! After house shopping all summer with my first child about to start kinder, and my belly about to pop with number 3, we bought one just in time to end up with a c-cection and a un finished fixer upper, too much stuff that won’t fit, no more money to buy help, and no family nearby. Question. How long should I expect to be unpacking decluttering and going through stuff to be able to finnish painting and move in all the way?
It’s different in every situation, and it sounds like you need to take a deep breath and give yourself some grace! You can do this, but it may take a while!
Hi Dana, love your podcast and find it very inspiring and helpful.
Is it possible that you sometimes get tidying and cleaning Mixed up? I would for example consider picking up stuff and filling/emptying the dishwasher aus tidying up before the actual cleaning like wiping, dusting etc happens.
This is not a critique but perhaps a helpful thought.
I also suffer from the time passage awareness disorder and am relieved that I am not the only one.
I find your visibility rule extremely helpful and try to stick to it when tidying up.
All the best to you, Jenny Wunderlich from Hamburg in Germany
In desperation I discovered your blog and I need realistic help! please!
I’m starting to despair! After house shopping all summer with my first child about to start kinder, and my belly about to pop with number 3, we bought one just in time to end up with a c-cection and a un finished fixer upper, too much stuff that won’t fit, no more money to buy help, and no family nearby. Question. How long should I expect to be unpacking decluttering and going through stuff to be able to finnish painting and move in all the way?
It’s different in every situation, and it sounds like you need to take a deep breath and give yourself some grace! You can do this, but it may take a while!
Hi Dana, love your podcast and find it very inspiring and helpful.
Is it possible that you sometimes get tidying and cleaning Mixed up? I would for example consider picking up stuff and filling/emptying the dishwasher aus tidying up before the actual cleaning like wiping, dusting etc happens.
This is not a critique but perhaps a helpful thought.
I also suffer from the time passage awareness disorder and am relieved that I am not the only one.
I find your visibility rule extremely helpful and try to stick to it when tidying up.
All the best to you, Jenny Wunderlich from Hamburg in Germany
Yes, I think that those words come out of my mouth, sometimes meaning the other thing!
I am trying to find this world news now segment that you did. I can’t seem to find it anywhere. The curiosity is killing me.
Here it is: