The sidetracked sisters called those old dreams- phantoms, you are living with the phantoms of the past- phantom gardener, phantom quilter, phantom food dehydrator- getting rid of those phantoms makes room for who are today. And being who you are today- I use to love cross stitching, I don’t enjoy it any more (arthritis and eyesight) so let the supplies go- now I don’t have those things haunting me.
The sidetracked sisters called those old dreams- phantoms, you are living with the phantoms of the past- phantom gardener, phantom quilter, phantom food dehydrator- getting rid of those phantoms makes room for who are today. And being who you are today- I use to love cross stitching, I don’t enjoy it any more (arthritis and eyesight) so let the supplies go- now I don’t have those things haunting me.