For the last two weeks, I’ve posted a reality check on Monday.
Who knows if this will keep going, but I like the idea.
This week’s post has been/will be/is being written over the course of last week. My goal is to write a little blurb for each day to record how the daily stuff goes.
Monday –
I changed the dinner menu at the last minute because my brain had omitted the fact that we were out of cheddar cheese. So thankful having pre-cooked ground beef in the freezer makes it possible to make spaghetti in the time it takes to boil noodles.
I ran the dishwasher before I went to bed.
Tuesday –
Oh my. Tuesday will be its own series of posts coming soon. Think styrofoam building project that left static foam snow all over the house, a broken vacuum that spit hair out the back, and a Brownie meeting to lead and a rehearsal to direct all in the same day. It’s been rough.
I also published a behind-the-door master bedroom post complete with untouched before pictures. Days like that make my stomach hurt. Especially since I’m no longer blogging in secret. They kind of make me think this whole blogging thing is a REALLY stupid idea.
Wednesday –
Last night, I didn’t clean the kitchen. I was seriously exhausted after a crazy day. And I’d forgotten to eat lunch. And hadn’t finished my breakfast because my dog licked it when I left the room for a minute. All those things aren’t an excuse, but they did happen.
So this morning, I cleaned the kitchen. Filled and ran the dishwasher and swept the floor. Even though there are still patches of styrosnow, I’m loving feeling like making the bed, running the dishwasher and cleaning the kitchen were the only things needed to feel like the house was back under control.
Thursday –
Last night, we ate frozen pizza. While it was in the oven, I threw together another batch of spaghetti to take to my FIL. The relief that Hubby felt when he discovered we weren’t eating spaghetti for the second time in three days helped him be more happy about the frozen pizza. He loaded and started the dishwasher while I counted Girl Scout Cookie money.
I was gone ALL day, exchanging tennis shoes for a kid who insists on growing out of everything he owns, taking a hair/snow-spitting vacuum cleaner to the repair place an hour away, and taking my MIL out of the nursing home and to the doctor and back to the nursing home. Oh, and getting back into town just in time to go straight to my 7th grader’s basketball game.
We grabbed dinner out.
Friday –
Gone all day speaking and socializing. Don’t even remember what happened in the kitchen.
Saturday –
Academic and band competitions, basketball games. Dinner was a casserole given to us by a sweet friend. I do remember that exactly nothing got done in the kitchen.
Sunday –
Took MIL to lunch (a big deal for her!) and came home so sooo tired. Rested for an hour while trying to think of a legit excuse to cancel our church home group so I wouldn’t have to clean the house.
Couldn’t think of an excuse, so had the kids pick up while I cleaned the kitchen. Lamented the lack of a vacuum cleaner, but was glad to have mostly wood floors so I could use a broom on at least some of it.
Monday –
That’s today. Like always, I’m so so glad I was forced to clean yesterday so the house looks decent to start out the week. I ran the dishwasher last night, unloaded it this morning, and reloaded it with breakfast dishes. Laundry has been sorted and first load is ready to go into the dryer.
What’s your reality today?
I love that on a seriously crazy week you’ve managed to post for us, feed your family every night, and keep your house clear enough to have guests Sunday without a ton of work. My reality today: laundry! My boys (5 and 7) sort laundry every Monday morning, and the 5-yr-old switches it around all day so all I need to do is fold and put away. They’re good kids, and great help around the house!
I’m exhausted just reading all that! Glad my kids are grown, but then I have absolutely no excuse for not keeping things picked up! If nothing else, I ALWAYS make my bed. Even if the rest of the house is awful (including rest of the bedroom), there’s that one little island of neatness and beauty. Besides, I’m a quilter, and have a gorgeous hand-quilted quilt on the bed. You have to make the bed to be able to get the full effect
I am so inspired by your blog! My reality today is that I woke up to a mostly clean living area because I started a daily (ends up being nightly!) 5-minute pick up, kitchen floor sweep-up and nightly run of the dishwasher, all things I have learned from your blog. It made Monday a little easier to deal with! I so appreciate your honesty and I completely understand what you mean by “slob brain”!! I am enjoying going back through the old blog posts and it has really been an encouragement to me. Thank you so much!
I Am sorry your bedroom is so hard for you BUT your blogging “thing” has been wonderful for me—so many amazing insights that are making my life so much easier and so much more fun—wiping down the bathrooms daily, the container concept (for clothes books, keepsakes, whole house, life . . .), “living in your home” and so much more. Your thinking is way beyond decluttering, cleaning, organizing and decorating. I am attracted by your mindset that seems to come from your BSF habits. My hat is off to you— and thank you for every day that you think and post for us.
I was totally lazy yesterday, now I have tons of laundry and dishes to do (not a good way to start the week) and I’m feeling behind at work and on my freelance work too (also not a good start to the week). Ugh! It’s going to be a long one.
I’ve done some laundry, loaded the dishwasher, and randomly picked up as I could. I’ve got 6 month old twins, and one is currently teething and the other had physical therapy on Monday. It’s been a busy day! Not enough is getting done! But even a little getting done is progress!!
I got the bills paid and Hubby got the taxes done (IRS paid off this year!!!!!!!)
This weekend I focused on sheets and blankets and cleaning up cat pee… (a totally different story), so tonight I got the last blanket into the dryer and my pants in the wash… I’m on my ‘auxiliary’ pair now…
We have clean undies and Hubby just started the dishwasher…
I know it must be hard to write about tidying up a messy bedroom, but we all appreciate your honesty…it makes us feel like we aren’t the only one. I took off a 1/2 day to work on my bedroom last week….then did something else. You got in there and did something!
Oh, and I shared your decluttering strategy (take it directly to where you would look first instead of making a new pile) with a friend this weekend, she loved it!
I love reading this blog and I don’t know how you get it all done and blog too but I sure do appreciate that you do (blog that is). The plan today is change the sheets on my bed, tidy up the kitchen, do some spot removal on the carpet in the living room, throw in a load of laundry, dinner is leftover chicken from yesterday I’ll just need to cook some carrots and rice to go with it (yay). I have a guest room that is in bad shape and really needs cleaning out (junk pile) I keep putting it off until I finish some other ongoing projects (from last year) but, I know I have to face it eventually, I am drawing my inspiration (and determination) from you.
36 plus weeks pregnant totally having the intent of having everything thing ready by week 38 and from that point on crafting until baby arrives stuff I will be selling once I recover.
reality check: I am not on schedule to be ready before 38 weeks. My house is a disaster. We moved 6 weeks ago and I am not all unpacked we don’t have places for some stuff and the stuff we do my husband doesn’t put back. Not talking can opener on kitchen counter talking hake saws and dirty underwear in living room. We have ants they came with the apartment. They are ” sugar ants” but for some reason they ignore fruit and head for animal protein. Totally blessed with free meat and bones by a farm that had un saleable alpaca meat for families in need. I have been busy making bone broths and shredded stew meat to have on hand and ants flock to the garage and any meat scrapes or juices that spilt. I got to shredded meat selected from bone and grizzle and put into jars and placed in freezer broth is in giant pot in fridge. I have an ambitious goal of making 100 burritos. 40 breakfast style 60 bean and rice. I want my freezer packed with food my husband can feed himself or feed me without effort from me I don’t even want to have to deal with the where is the blank and do we have such and such or how do you… today I bought 4 ten packs extra large green tortillas, 5 packs redish orange tomato tortillas and one pack herb and garlic saving those for the ones that have beef and bean. Got 15 green bell peppers 5 lbs of onions and half lb jalapeño s a thing of salsa and one bundle of cilantro. I still have to by eggs sausage and cheese but doing that at a different story because the store with the right tortillas had a suck selection for everything else. I got the baby bed painted and borrowed a drill. But only permitted the use for one day so tomorrow up goes a shelve and baby bed and ten cans we use as hooks to hang hubby’s fedora collection. But not sure we have enough cans saved up we need ten I think. We have a appointment with the midwife and husband is changing his oil and I am trying finish the broth and start the burritos. I am thinking tomorrow is over booked. But I really want to go volunteer at the farm and get more free food. Other than broth and the burritos for after baby arrives we really don’t have much and burritos are taking a pretty big chunk of our food budget. I am hoping once batch cooking is done and assembled. I can focus on cleaning and finding homes for everything.
Your reality exhausts me! Too much! But good for you! And I’ve learned all Styrofoam type cutting will happen in the backyard!