We had a glorious time up in cool, crisp Canada last week. This week, we’re back in Texas where I’m most definitely not hanging beach towels on the line without streams of sweat pouring off my face.
Vacation recovery week is always interesting. I’m working to get back into the routines I need so badly to survive around here. I’ve run the dishwasher every day, done loads upon loads of laundry (adding sweatshirts and jeans back to my summer laundry takes much more time!), and trying to pick up.
Not that you’d think I’d done a single thing if you walked into my house right now.
But I know how much worse it could be.
Oh boy. Do I ever know.
It’s SUMMER!!!
I love this fun and crazy and unscheduled time of year with my kids, but the lack of routine sends my house into chaos!
For the summer, I’m focusing on the four simple habits that will keep (or bring) any home out of Disaster Status.
Here’s how we did:
Do the dishes
Sweep the kitchen (Nope. Didn’t even think of this one til I read it here. On MY OWN list. That I created. Ugh.)
Check bathrooms for clutter
Do a five-minute pick-up
Our extra task for today:
I’m kind of combining three days into one here, but I’ve been doing laundry for all of those three days.
How did you do today?
Share your own success and failures in the comments!
Don’t forget that you can get your own copy of my Surviving Summer Checklist by subscribing to my email list. You can sign up for daily emails (only sent if I’ve posted something) or weekly summary emails. Plus, you won’t miss a post! Click here to sign up for free.
If you’re completely overwhelmed at even the thought of the four habits listed here, don’t worry! I totally understand! I recommend my e-book, 28 Days to Hope for Your Home, which is a step-by-step guide to getting your home out of Disaster Status. The e-book is now retired, but for detailed guides, check out my books: How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind and Decluttering at the Speed of Life.
If it’s your first time at ASlobComesClean.com, welcome! Right now, we’re totally focused on helping our homes survive the gloriously routine-free summer! Regular blogging will resume when school starts in August! Until then, find out what goes on around here the rest of the year by checking out my decluttering strategies (based on WAY too much personal experience) and my free printable checklists. See my advice on getting started.
And if you’re worried about whether you’ll fit in here, read this.
Post vacation laundry is the worst! Glad you’re getting back into some routine 🙂
I just laughed out loud about “cool crisp Canada”. You see, we have been complaining about the heat and humidity for the last month or so. I guess we need to go down to Texas and find out what heat really is, eh?
I am struggling with the laundry too. And I do not have a vacation as an excuse…
Yes, people were saying it was hot last week! If you’re not pouring sweat the minute you walk outside, it’s not hot to us!
I can so relate…..my house is a total mess after vacation! Well, and before vacation! We will be returning from vacation this year the day before school open house and then school starts 2 days after that. I already know it’ll be stressful and messy….but I’ll manage somehow!!
I battled through with an iron will to finish all the “habits” last night. (I even threw away several things we had kept uselessly for years during the five minute pick up.) Today I recognized several items that don’t belong in the bathroom that I didn’t realize I should have put away last night when I checked those same bathrooms. (I did pick up laundry yesterday.) Yes, yes, Self, checking the bathroom is actually needed on a daily basis. 🙂
Keep on chugging along, Nony! You’re doing awesome!
Oh my….I have finally read your entire blog from the beginning!! and I did ALL the laundry in my house…now that I see I have way to much, it’s time to start decluttering, our closests and drawers never looked to bad, because I always had piles of clothes in my basement…out of site that need washing, now that everything is clean…well let me just say, we could probably go months and not need to do laundry except for socks and undies 🙁
and the Oh my….it was a great Oh my, I love your site and it has really been a huge motivator for me 🙂
I know that feeling!! It wasn’t until I was consistent with laundry that I truly understood how many clothes we actually needed!
I gave up trying to do laundry after vacation and stay sane. I pack it up, head to the laundromat and have it done in a couple of hours. I can have nearly everything washed in half an hour if enough machines are open, and different weights go into different dryers, and I fold the loads as they come out of the dryer, ready to be put away, just like groceries, as soon as I come in the door.
I have been known to bring the laundry baskets home full of wet towels that will be found hanging over doors and curtain rods days later, but it’s d.o.n.e. and I’m back to my routine that much faster.
That picture of you is great! You look great and also very happy, relaxed and young.
That is definitely my happy place!! (But I probably shouldn’t tell you I had a friend re-take the picture multiple times to hide my stomach!!)
I’m at the point post vacation, as my first camp counselor!! Woot woot!!
That I’m considering the opening your doors to guests strategy.
I did well unpacking and putting away toiletries, hubs got the excess laundry done, kids got theirs put away, but I’ve been looking at a stack of beach towels, my clothes & 4yo clothes on the couch for over a week now. And we don’t go swimming often right now, so there’s no reason they should be out, except my lack of energy right now.
Keep looking around at stuff we can declutter, but nothing is super jumping out, at the moment.
Just several unfinished projects all throughout the house.