So here’s what (sometimes) happens when you start decluttering: Other people in the house get the bug too.
I’m kind of sortof cheating on this post. It has been a crazy week, and I’ve actually been away from home, so I didn’t get any decluttering done.
So I’m posting this from last week. Remember how we worked on the kids’ rooms? Well, while we were doing that, Hubby decided to go through his stuff.
Including . . . some of the very t-shirts that I’ve put in the trash before, only to have him pull them back out!!!
When he came to find me to ask what I thought he should do with these shirts that he “never really wears anymore” and that had “holes in them” . . . I kept a straight face and said, “Honestly, sweetie, I think you should get rid of them.”
I nodded with understanding and tried to look as if I shared his inner turmoil.
I waited until after he left the room to do my happy dance!!
So I’m sharing that as this week’s decluttering report.
(Besides, Hubby claims it’s good for blog traffic when I show his picture.)
How was your week? I’d love to hear your decluttering adventures (or frustrations) in the comments, or you can link to a post on your blog that shares a decluttering project.
I’d also love to know if you would like to continue these decluttering link-ups on a monthly basis?
I am so very sad this is the last week:-(
Way to go hubby!! I love how the declutter bug is so contagious.
Thank You so much Nony for hosting this decluttering party, I have been so very motivated by it.
I would be OVERJOYED if this party was continued on a monthly basis!!
I second that (or third, fourth, or tenth)! I really loved linking up. Honestly, though, I’ve tried so hard to keep up with monthly link-ups before to no avail. I seem to only be able to remember if its weekly. But I totally understand! I tried hosting link-ups and its a lot of work.
Whether or not you continue linkies, though, I love reading your blog. -Tabitha
I love all your decluttering posts, even the old ones from 2010. Keep them coming, they are so motivating to me!
I’ve enjoyed the weekly declutter posts myself, but if you must quit, then monthly would be great 🙂
My declutter project for tomorrow is to help College Son with his dresser. It is a 5 drawer dresser with NO CLOTHES in it!!! So 5 drawer junk drawer. Oh boy.
you inspired me – got rid of two bags of cassette music tapes that hadn’t been played in decades! 3 bags of VHS tapes ( we haven’t had a machine since 2005) And a load of jars of unopened out of date food that no one fancied. Love your blog
teri in the UK
Yes, please keep up at least monthly! I’m late to the party (as usual) and missed this, so I’m re-reading and starting where I am. I’m also re-reading your ebooks and starting over again. You start my day in the right direction! I found your hangout videos and am catching up with those. I have avoided doing G+, but if you are there I will go! LOL I listen to a podcast or video (or more) in the morning with breakfast. I have worked on kitchen counters this week and keeping up with dishes. I am so grateful to you for sharing your journey! You are a blessing!
I’m with Tommie! I am sad this is the last week and I would be over-joyed if you contined to host monthly link ups. It keeps me motivated to know that I must contine to make progress. Thanks for hosting!!
I would love if this decluttering party was on a monthly basis as well, since I’ve only been able to take part here and there. However, I DO have a “useable” craft room/office now.
This post gives me hope,our bedroom closet is full of things that my husband should really,really get rid of,lol. Maybe if I keep de-cluttering he’ll follow suit? It’s working a little for my kids.
I have seriously been loving these link ups so I’m voting for a monthly one with a big Yes, Please! 🙂
Love these posts. Please keep them up!
I panicked last night because it was garbage night and I am trying to ALWAYS put out a full container. I ran into the kitchen and emptied a shelf worth of bottles of sauces – most of them from the early 90s, so apparently we were never going to eat them. This did not fill my need to fill the trash can as all the bottles were glass and went into the recycling (or will once I rinse them out and get them there). So next I ran into the laundry room – where many things go to lay low. I found a pile of tile in the corner – tiles that had been sitting there since we moved into this house (wait for it)…..8 years ago! I think they were left from when the previous owners remodeled because they don’t actually match any tile we currently have in the house. I had kept them there sure I would figure out an awesome craft project to use them on some day! I hauled them all out to the trash and filled up the remaining part of the trash can! Luckily I have been working out – because those things were HEAVY!
Love it!!!
I cleaned out a bunch of miscellaneous bags & purses this week. To my surprise, I filled a garbage bag with trash… Kids Sunday School papers, old church bulletins, candy wrappers, etc… The more I threw away, the more I wanted to throw away!
It’s addictive, isn’t it?!
My husband also got the bug! After a LONG time of encouraging him, he finally decluttered all of his bedroom drawers. 😀 I am still excited about it! I’d love monthly check-ins! Thank you so much for the inspiration, Nony! I’ve learned a lot from both you and other readers 🙂
Your hubby sounds like my KIDS!!! I honestly think I gave birth to a hoarder!!! It’s so hard for her to get rid of things!!! Drives me crazy!!! Way to overcome that obstacle, Nony’s Hubby! 🙂
Yay for hubby finally getting rid of those shirts! And yay for you for being able to keep a straight face until he left the room. 😀 😀 😀
Oh how I wish the decluttering bug would rub off on my family, but so far it hasn’t happened. But I’ve gotten to the place where I realize that it doesn’t matter. All I can do is worry about my stuff, and the household stuff. Personal items for everyone else…that’s up to them. I can, however, insist they keep it all in their bedrooms. If it overflows into the main living areas…it’s fair game for me to do whatever I want with it. 🙂
Love this posting 🙂 When men do things for their wives like this, it fills up the love bank big time!
I also love the link up because it introduces me to more “people” and their blogs and ideas too. Please do a monthly link up!
Your previous post about decluttering your kids’ rooms motivated me to finally declutter my kids’ rooms. It’s a task I despise but I bucked up and did it with help from my daughter. We did my son’s room as part of a birthday present to him. They love their clean rooms!