I put it there so I would use it.
As I uncover totally-useful-but-long-unused stuff in my various decluttering escapades, I really do try to figure out ways to get value out of the things I decide are worth keeping.
For years, I stored my food processor in a cabinet that was almost impossible to get into. Therefore, I got out of the habit of using it.
If a smoothie or hummus or whatever else sounded good, I suppressed the craving.
But months (at least?) ago, I put my beloved blue kitchen appliance out. Out on the counter where it could be used at a moment’s notice.
During a recent blending kick, I reached to pull it out from under the cabinet
so I could whip up some black bean dip for my healthier-than-ramen-noodles lunch.
I pulled with one hand. Then I yanked with two.
That thing wouldn’t budge.
At all.
I pulled and tugged and perhaps even grunted. It didn’t even give me an inch. Finally, I had to get out a spatula and scrape it off the counter.
Evidently, when you wipe up a particularly sticky spill off of the counters, you should move the appliance that’s covering the last of that sticky spill . . . and wipe underneath it.
Good to know.
This is why I love reading your blog. I’m not alone, and you manage to make it funny. Thanks!
It’s a relief to know these things bring laughs instead of horrified looks!
I just want to say that I have only recently found your blog and love it. I have never gotten into reading blogs, that is until i found a woman after my own heart. Thank you so much!
I recently had some thing simliar happen only it was the microwave. What is that stinch? After a few days and baking soda in the microwave not removing the smell I moved the microwave. Oh my,my we won’t even go there with the ammount of nasty under that thing. I will say there were a few old tea bags and a lake of unknown liquid. So apparently even the microwave needs to be moved to avoid nastyness.
I did have a question, are you no longer doing your webisodes? Love them! Need them! Will die without them! Ok that was dramatic but I think you see my point. 🙂
I’m definitely still doing them, I just haven’t during the summer because summer kicks my tail!!! At the latest I’ll get started again after school starts back up!
Addary – We have a strange smell in the refrigerator lately. I thought I’d found the source – a tub of feta with a crack in the side – but now that that’s secured there seems to be another different smell. These are the joys of living a kitchen that is really used. 😉
Mary, I can relate with the “smells” not to long ago I smell something and for days searched high and low for the smell. It had to be something dead it was that bad. I am talking call the CSI these people have killed someone and stashed a body under the stairs smell. After days of searching I found that smell. Oh did I find it! My budding 2 year old had recntly learned to open the fridge and freezer. Lovingly he had removed a bad of chicken and hid it under the computer desk. You know the one that no one uses because it is covered with everything that is not computer related. Yes, yes dear friends I had rotting chicken under there! I wanted to die! I know that sounds dramatic but the horror I felt was not far from that. I now have a super sensitive mommy nose for smells of unknown sources. There is just something about rotting chicken that makes me draw a line and say um NO! 🙂
I hate when that happens!
But you should definitely keep your beautiful blue Kitchen-Aid mixer on the counter, if you have the room. You’ll use it a LOT more! I have mine out and use it nearly every day. It’s my favorite kitchen tool ever!
Another reminder: it isn’t just sticky residue under small appliances that can make one need to chisel items off their resting places. I have seen so many folks eagerly paint shelving and then reload the shelves , cabinets and drawers immediately. I know the paint cans state that the latex paints dry very quickly. Yes they dry to the touch quickly but do NOT fully cure (harden) for much longer. Expect the embedded event for any items placed in, on, in any contact with treated surfaces that are not fully cured. And even then being latex based, there is a rubbery residual texture even when dry. Try peeling thicker paint drips off the side of the paint can after you think they are completely dried.
Just a thought, from a retired research chemist.
Thanks again for another honest post. 😉 I need to move my Kitchen Aid stand mixer again one of these days and clean under it – one of these days…. 🙂
LOL! Love this!
Oooh good times! I think everyone learns that the hard way at least once 😉
Your posts are like looking in a mirror of my own life 😉
When I moved into our last house, I felt kind of proud of where exactly things would go. . Since then, I have had a shoulder and knee replacement. My orderly bottom shelf has just one serious problem -_I can no longer kneel or lift. Goodbye fancy Cuisinart, cherished blender and my beloved waffle maker. Clearly, I am in,a pickle. My husband and I will prevail – my appliances may cover every flat surface, but by golly, I am going to use my Cuisinart again! Ruefully, Betsy C.