It’s hard to believe that November is over and that the next time I do a decluttering update it will be 2012.
Weren’t we supposed to have flying cars and robot maids by now?
Confession: I didn’t do a whole lot of decluttering in November. And I’m feeling that panic in my chest. That seriously-I’m-just-going-to-throw-it-ALL-away panic.
Strangely, though, when I did a Decluttering Tour last week, I was only able to fill a black trashbag because I got rid of big and bulky couch pillows that were stuffed behind the couch because I’d decided I didn’t like them. (Yep, I’m mature.)
Anyway, it made me realize that it’s a positive that I don’t have tons of clutter out in my regular living areas anymore. But . . . it doesn’t mean I don’t have tons of clutter left. It’s just in the less-oft-used areas.
But since the goal of this deslobification process is to NOT have off-limits areas in my home, I want to fully purge these areas too.
Okay, enough Slob Ramblings . . . here’s what I did get rid of last month, and here’s hoping I’ll have lots more to report for December.
- Clothing found to be too small after the Seasonal Clothing Changeover. (I reserve the right to not say whether it was kids’ clothes or my clothes.)
- Four couch pillows.
- Various rarely used kitchen utensils.
How did you do in November? Any major purging? Or do the holidays keep you too busy for stuff like decluttering? (They do for me!)
I’d love to hear your progress or frustrations in the comments or in a blog post that you link up below. If you link up, just be sure to link back to A Slob Comes Clean within your post.
Oh, and have you printed off your Last Minute Hospitality Checklist from my Facebook page? Just click on Only Likers under my profile pic on the left side of my Facebook page.
And one MORE thing. For my Daily in December commitment to do my Daily Checklist . . . I swept, did a 5 minute pick-up, and hubby cleaned the kitchen and ran the dishwasher. LOVE that man!
Oh, cool, I actually get to comment on a monthly decluttering thing!
My husband, four kids, and I moved in November from a too-big house to a smaller one and got rid of FOUR carloads (as in only the driver and the youngest child fit in with all the stuff) of things to Goodwill. It included—
The old-but-still-works stand mixer I should’ve donated when I was given a lovely newer one…two years ago.
Many, many cassette tapes upon realization that we don’t own a tape player and my children don’t even know what one is (which led to the realization that my husband and I are very, very old)
So.Many.Clothes. Seriously. I finally got brave and got rid of clothes that technically fit but that I haven’t worn in three years.
985,761 (approx) weird little toys from Happy Meals, treasure boxes and the like
The three very large boxes of random office supplies that my dad had for some reason moved into my garage, and the many office chairs which had migrated into my house the same way.
Our city also did its once-a-year bulk trash pickup and we were able to finally get rid of two broken tube televisions (no one will take those to repair anymore), three mattresses, a broken tv stand and a beat-up computer desk (which meant that my grandfathers beautiful solid wood desk could come out of my garage and be used)…it was all very freeing to not have to move any of that to our new place.
I just want you to know I spent a good portion of my weekend reading your blog, and it has been really interesting. Please keep doing what you are doing – its GREAT! I too have been working on cleaning out my house since the end of 2008. I know that sounds like a long time, but I too suffered from being a slob (and not saying NO when people wanted to give away their own junk). Every weekend around here (now) has been a “what can I get rid of” a-thon. I try to gather up as much trash as possible, all recycling, and then I work of the donate/freecycle pile.
This week alone I got rid of:
1. My son’s outgrown clothes – off to a fellow freecycler who needed them for her son.
2. Misc. Box. This one was scary. I went through a bunch of containers and bags and corners and took all my smaller items and put them in a large box. I have given away about four of these boxes on freecycle – which are useful/good/not junk/smaller items – that I do NOT want anymore. Putting that one out for pickup felt good!
3. Purged my closet of ill fitting clothes. Again. 9,780th time. I have been doing this every few months since I love nothing more than a new shirt to wear. A girl has gotta have her vices . . .
4. Cleaned two bags of trash out of the basement, along with two non-working vacuums, broken tv, and pile of laminate flooring remnants. I decluttered two spaces which were really bothering me, vacuumed, and finally went through a bag my aunt gave me. Five months ago. And everything inside of it was fabulous (as in keep). I felt really dumb.
Anyway I should feel proud I made more progress, but I know there are still piles of decisions to make and its aggravating. I’m in areas of my house right now that I would rather forget about, but I really want to make them more useful and open. Plus these days I really dig the “less is more” attitude.
Keep up the good work!
I’ve continued to declutter & get rid of stuff…. mine does not sound as amazing as the ladies posting above, but I figure every little bit has helped.
I got rid of 6 boxes of random stuff. Things that I’d look at & say ‘We don’t need/use/love this anymore – into the Donate Box!!’ There was stuff from the kitchen, seasonal stuff, bathroom stuff, knick-knacks, office supplies, etc. I also got rid of about 6 garbage bags of clothing, shoes & linens. Plus 2 grocery bags of clothes passed along to one of the Lego King’s friends.
I, just this morning, added the last little bit to fill up another Donate Box. King-Turd-of-Poop-Mountain had gone through a box of ‘his’ stuff while watching a football game yesterday. Ok, so that might be the ONLY reason to have football on in our house!!
I have been going through holiday/seasonal totes when it’s time to pack them up again & I’ve been getting rid of stuff that we don’t like or use anymore. That’s nice to know that next year when I pull things out, 1-I won’t be overwhelmed & 2-A lot less stuff to put out & then put away.
Nony, you are great! Keep doing what you’re doing. Luv ya, Girl!!
I don’t have much but its a start. I gave to someone who needs/will use a highchair and pack n play(my youngest is 2 years old.) A large box of clothes donated to my church clothing closet and 2 black trash bags of paper, shredded. I have a large box of baby clothes ready to go, hopefully this week.
Spouse’s coworker took ALL the donation office supplies for homeschooling!
We finished cutting up 2 piles of pruned tree branches and made real progress on The Pile of past years’ yard waste.
Spouse is *keeping* his decluttered desk tidy!
I’ve begun taking down summer decor, decluttering as I go. The minimal style worked so well for us this season that I’m going to try it in the autumn, too.