Since big dishes, the ones that take up all of my counter space, tend to be a detail/afterthought in my mind, I think this giveaway is perfect for my 31 Days of Details series.
Have you seen those microfiber, highly absorbent dish-drying mats? Have you ever wondered if they work? Recently, I was sent some mats to test out by Envision Home.
I must say . . . I love mine. It works perfectly for my kitchen routine. If you want more details, watch my video review:
NOTE: Giveaway is now over.
Want to Win One?
Are you interested in winning one of these dish mats? You’ve got like, a ba-jillion chances! (Not technically a ba-jillion, but a lot!) I’ve teamed up with a group of my best bloggy friends and we are each giving three of them away!
Here on A Slob Comes Clean, I’m giving away this Dish Mat in Coastal Blue. If you’re interested in other colors, go check out the blogs listed below and enter there! And you might as well just enter them all and see how many Christmas gifts you can snag!
Here on A Slob Comes Clean, you can have up to three entries:
1. Leave a comment below telling me what you would use it for. It can be used for more than just drying your dishes! (Don’t worry, I’m the only one who sees your email address, and I promise I won’t sell it!)
2. Follow @ASlobComesClean on Twitter. There’s a twitter party coming up later this month with even more chances to win! Follow me so you’ll get all the details! Leave a comment in this post letting me know you followed me.
3. Like A Slob Comes Clean on Facebook. We have a lot of fun over there, and I try to regularly post my daily checklist accomplishments. You can join in and share your own Did It List for the day! Leave an additional comment for this entry.
The comments section will close at 9pm CST on Thursday, October 20, 2011. Three winners will be chosen on October 20th and each winner will receive one dish mat in the color Coastal Blue.
Remember, if blue is not your favorite color, my bloggy friends are giving away different colors on their sites. So click on over and enter every giveaway!
A Slob Comes Clean –Coastal Blue
Spell Outloud — Coastal Blue
Many Little Blessings –Sage Green
Finding Joy — Sage Green
Jimmie’s Collage — Gray
Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers — Gray
Raising Arrows –Red
Crispy Not Crunchy — Black
Feels Like Home –Red
An Oregon Cottage — Cream
Mama’s Learning Corner — Black
RULES: Prizes can be shipped only to continental US addresses. You will be contacted by email and must reply within 48 hours to claim your prize. If you do not claim your prize, another winner will be chosen.
DISCLOSURE: I received free dish mats for this review and was compensated for my time spent testing the product, creating the review, and running the giveaway. The experience and opinions are 100% mine.
would love it for dishes and veggies! Thanks
I have 4 going on 5 children and we have NO dishwasher so that is an awful lot of dishes to hand wash and my wood rack is mildewy. I need a new solution and this is definitely it!
4 going on 5? Girlie…I hope you win!! If by some strange chance I do…I’m sending it to ya! (I just have 4 kiddos, and I run my craigslist portable dishwasher daily)
I would use one of those for my huge drying towel spot where I ditch things that won’t fit inthe dishwasher that is now lined with 3 dish towels but is always drippy and a mess.
I already like you on Facebook, so there’s that. Now off to twitter follow…..
I would use it for drying dishes and tub toys! Awesome!
And followed you on Twitter, too! (also, you might want to check your link, because it says twitter but goes to your facebook page).
Thanks, Nony!
I was glad to see your review. I’ve seen those mats and wondered if they were actually useful, you never know. With 6 kids, there is always something to hand wash. I think it would be very useful not only for those large items that you mentioned, but specifically for those smaller must hand wash items, largely my knives that my husband tells me NOT to put in the dishwasher. I often hand wash the baby bottles as well and find that I am hesitant to put some of the more fragile wine glasses in the dishwasher. Thank you for your work on this website. I love it!
I was thinking of using this as something to put on the floor under my water dispenser/refrigerator. My kids always spill water and I currently just have a towel there that gets moved around. So I put another towel down and that one gets moved around. You get the idea. Maybe the mat would work better.
Like you on Facebook. Have for a while now. 🙂
We could so totally use this! Currently I lay down to dish towels to put things out to dry on that were hand washed. Being cotton, they take forever to dry, making the kitchen look a mess when they’re left out.
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My drying rack takes up a lot of space – I’d use it either in place of the drying rack or in addition to it.
I would love to get rid of our 8+ yr old dish drainer… this would be a great replacement! And Coastal Blue would totally “go” with our decor (or lack thereof!) and is my favorite color!
Girl, if you and I were neighbors I would claim you as my Best Friend! You tickled me pink with that video!!!!!
If I won one of these dish drainer mats I would use it for my pots, pans, and pampered chef stones so they wouldn’t drip all over my floor for me to get them on top of the freezer!
Oh, also liked you on facebook! Wish, wish, wish there was a LOVE button!
Oh how I would love one of these… we have no dish washer, and the conventional plastic dish drainer is never enough– i always have overflow when it comes to air-drying dishes! (now.. if I have a couple more hands, perhaps I wouldn’t mind drying dishes half-way– )
I would probably use it for my dishes instead of the dish towel I currently use, but I also would be tempted to use it so sop up the water under our dogs water bowl, they are the messiest drinkers!!
I would use these for drying dishes! I don’t have a dishwasher, I AM the dishwasher! 🙂 And probably use for drying fruits and veggies. This looks great! I already have you liked on facebook. Whoohoo!
Great blog BTW, I loved where I read about running the dishwasher every night, even if it is not full, that little tip has kept our sink so much emptier.
I would love this. I have 7 children and I would rather have them wash the pots by hand, leave them out to dry than for them to load the dishwasher with pots and pans and leave all the “other” dishes because there was no room left in the dishwasher. Are my kids the only ones who do that?
I would love this! I need the counter space, so I think dish drying IS what I’d use it for!
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I would love to try one of these mats. My daughter has one and loves it!
I do not care for dish drainers. I think they take up extra space. I prefer to dry my dishes off as I wash them. However, occasionally I have to let my baby’s sippy cups, or other items hand dry. I usually lay out a towel. I’d love to have this as my go to dish drainer! Plus, blue is my favorite color!
I would love to have this for drying dishes and other things!! Using it as a bath mat would be great, too!!
I would use it for drying dishes and for veggies and fruit. Thank you for this awesome chance.
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I have had to throw away not one but two really pretty hand embroidered dishtowels because they kept getting soaked from being used as drying mats and couldn’t dry fast enough. These look great!
** Plus I’ve loved reading your blog since I discovered it a couple of weeks ago. I’ve shared it with friends and it has really inspired me to jump in and do the little things that just need to but don’t get done. Thanks for sharing about the time it takes you to do these things. That really has made me say “I can do that”.
I have never heard of these before, but would love to try one and get rid of that nasty dish drainer!
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I’d love to ditch the dishtowel on the counter and replace it with one of these!
I’m heading to Facebook to like your page now.
I need it for produce (presently apples). I always use a dishtowel and it gets soppy and drippy and gross. For whatever reason, I don’t have it in me to use the same one for food AND dishes, so if it worked well withthe produce, I’d have to get another color designated for dish drying! I’ve already been “liking” you on Facebook, now i have to remember my old Twitter password…
And Linda…no, your children are not the only ones who do that! 🙂 Mine even do it with an oh-so-humble shrug as if to say, “I did my best, but there’s just no room!” LOL
My mom has one of these and they r fantastic! I would use it for our pots and pans! & costal blue would be perfect for me!!
I also follow u on FB!
I would love to have the mat do dry my dishes. I have one of those plastic drainers that I hate, and I actually was looking at a drying mat at KMart last week, but wasn’t sure about if it would really work. Even if I don’t win thanks for the review!
I would use this for drying cleaned veggies and fruit. Thanks for offering.
Terri S.
Dishes! I use dish towels and they become a sopping mess! Great giveaway!
I love you on facebook 🙂 and I would use for big pots and pans that wont fit in my small dishwasher or use for my toddler to get out of tub so she dont slip on ceramic tile.
I love that you can use it for many things. I’d use it for dishes and fruits and veggies. Thanks!
I hate dish racks because they take up too much of my counter space. This would be great!
I would use it for drying dishes, has to be better than my current attempts with 3 soaking towels. Thanks for the chance to win!
We are a family of 7 without a dishwasher so I would love to use this for dishes.
Liked on FB, blue is my favorite color! Thanks for the chance to win!
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Ooooh. Looks super useful. I like it. We still have the dish drainer, because we don’t have a dishwasher. But sometimes, the big things don’t fit in there. You know, with everything else. So I would use it NEXT to my drainer!
In addition to having more counter space, I like the idea of washing fresh veggies and letting them dry on it.
I like you on facebook! I think I’d like you in real life, too.
Honestly, I’d give it to my MIL. She HANDWASHES ALL HER DISHES!!! Even though she has a perfectly good dishwasher. Don’t ask. : )
I would use it for drying wet dogs when they come in from the rain/snow. It seems like my floor is wet all winter.
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I would have to decide between using it for dishes (I keep meaning to buy one, but hard to get out with a wee babe) or as a slip guard in the bathtub for my baby. Choices, choices…..
I always have a soppy, wet dishtowel on my counter. It would be great to have this for all of my pots, knives, etc. Thanks for sharing this product!
I would love one of these for drying dishes.
I want to win a dish drying mat — I would use it for drying dishes and fruits
I would use it just like you….
I would actually use it for drying dishes. I have several things I have to wash by hand and I’m always having to dry them on dish towels.
I like you on facebook. Jamie H.
I am following you on twitter. @rangersbraves
I’d use it for the big pans and pots that I prefer to wash vs. put through the dishwasher. Although, someone mentioned produce, and I could see it coming in handy for that too!!
(Hey Remember me, I am the one who read your blog from the beginning like a novel)
Hey Nony save my kitchen from those three hand wash items that throw me into perfectionist-this-will-never-look-better-so-why-even-bother-trying despair. Maybe this gizmo let me hand wash easily without the prequel of laying out the towels, and save me from throwing myself down on the couch with a snack, and deciding the house will never ever look clean, and I don’t know why I bother, so why don’t I just watch more syndicated TV.
No one understands the frustration of throwing away those months old receipts for $2 consumables like I do.
I would use it for drying veggies and fruits…and dishes ;( Thanks so much for the chance to win a cool product!
I would love this for dishes
I follow you on facebook, love getting your daily updates, but I don’t Twitter. I don’t think I need another time sucker to distract me from housework.
I would use it for dishes.
I would use it for my dishes!
I would use it for dishes…I always have a dish towel out with something drying on it. Love the idea of something padded.
I would use the mat to dry veggies and dishes.
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I would use this to dry veggies and dishes
I’d use it to replace that ugly plastic tray that came with my dish drainer. It collects so much water. its really yuck! Thanks for the chance to win!
I need one so badly!! NO dishwasher for our family of 8, EVERYTHING is done by hand! So, yeah, it would be used for dishes. 🙂
I would love to win this! I actually use a dish drainer with a towel underneath because I can’t stand the dish mats. The towel gets wet easily, obviously, and doesn’t dry quickly. This mat would be great!
I would mostly use it for the obvious drying dishes. Thanks for the giveaway.
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I would use for dishes, fruits, and veggies.
I would definitely use it for dishes – what a great idea!
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I would use it for drying dishes
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Entering the Dish-Drying Mat Giveaway
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I’d use it for dishes, fruits and veggies. I might also use one under the puppy water bowl. They sure make a mess!
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Wow these look really cool!! I totally understand the yucky dish rack problem. With 4 young boys and no dishwasher, this would be a welcome addition to my kitchen!
I’m following you on Twitter! (@BBLandCo)
Anything that makes doing dishes a little less painful sounds good to me! Plus a little fun color would be lovely.
Awesome! This would be so great for drying dishes on my “lack of counter space” 😉 Thanks!
I would love to win this contest! I would use this to do dishes (we don’t have a dishwasher), for washing produce, canning jars, and treasures found at the thrift store! Can’t wait to see who wins!
I would use these to put under my plants that I just had to bring in so the major wind storm wouldn’t blow them over. My husband would probably use one to wash dishes with.
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I would love this for dishes, thanks 🙂
AND I already like you on facebook 🙂
I would love one of these! This looks like a much better solution than laying dishes on multiple dishtowels.
well, i dont have a dishwasher so I have to handwash. this would come in handy!
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I will use it to get the drying dishes out of my second sink so that I can use it for rinse water. This will save water!
I’d ditch my dish towel and use it for dishes! Pick me!!!
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I would use it for dishes, but I’m thinking it would also be great for when I wash lettuce and set it on a towel to dry as well as any other produce. Thanks for the opportunity!
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I would use it for dishes – I use a dishtowel now – this would be much better!
I would like to try one for defrosting meat packages!
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I would use it for drying pots and pans…..great product!
I would like this. I do like you, but I don’t use Facebook or Twitter. So, you’ll just have to trust that I like you and follow your blog. 😛
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I milk goats. I wash milking equipment. I don’t have a dishwasher. The combination of these facts means I often have breakfast dishes to wash while milking stuff is air drying in the dish drainer. Do i leave the breakfast dishes ’til later? (NO!!! I can’t STAND sinks filled with dirty dishes!! My one nod to OCD.) Do I put away the milking stuff before it is fully dried? A FAR from ideal plan… Do I wash my milking things onto a drying mat, leaving them to sit undisturbed until fully dry? Sounds like an EXCELLENT plan! If only I had a drying mat….
I would use it in place of my ugly doo-hicky under my dish rack!! Lol!
HA! I put a towel down too so this would be great for drying the stuff that doesn’t get into the dishwasher. My Mom has one and I kept thinking I should get one but of course just never did!
I would use it for drying the dishes that we don’t put in our dishwasher.
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I’d like to try one. I like the idea of moving the dish drain off the counter. Glad I found your site. It will be very helpful getting my house put together!!!
I would use it for drying dishes, or possible for drying bath toys. I might need to get an extra one!
I just liked your site on Facebook. Thanks for the chances to win!
Yay for blue! 😀 I wonder if this would even match the Danish plates that decorate my kitchen? We have six children and currently no dishwasher of the electric sort, so the dish rack is full of plates… the rest gets piled on a towel or two… Lovely? not. This quick-drying mat would be wonderful! Thank you!
I don’t tweet, but I am happy to have just LIKEd you on facebook! Have a great day!
My Granny has one of these, and it works beautifully! I put my bulky dish drain under my sink every time I am finished with it because I hate for it to clutter the countertop. This mat would be a wonderful replacement!
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I would love this for our dishes especially since we don’t have a dishwasher.
I would love to use the drying mat for my crock pot I use all the time. It never comes clean in the dishwasher so I always wash it by hand.
I would use it for dishes! My dish drainer takes a ton of room that I’d love to have back! 🙂
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I could totally use one of these! I would use it for dishes that don’t fit in the strainer, as a holding place for washed fruits and veggies, and I could really use one in our camper since we don’t even have a strainer.
Maybe we could use it for mixing,to keep the bowl still so it doesn’t move around on the table….if that makes any sense and it might keep the table a little cleaner,too. 🙂
This would be very nice for drying sippy cups and blender parts…which always seem to be scattered around my wet countertop. I too am a terrible slob and admit it. *sigh*
I would use it for under my dish rack – I hand wash my dishes. The vegetable idea is a lightbulb moment, too.
(I love your blog – didn’t know there was another ME out there).
I want this so bad! I was so close to buying it on amazon before even entering the contest cause I so want get rid of my big metal drying rack! I would use it for dishes and baby cups…
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I so need this for my dishes, my dish drainer is quite yucky looking even when it’s clean so I’d love this!!
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We currently use a towel and this would be so much better. I would love to have one.
I love, love the idea of these mats! We have milk goats, and the sanitzed utensils have to air dry, but I really hate the dish drainer sitting out on the counter all the time. What a pleasure it would be to have one of these instead. Please enter me for the drawing!
I think this would be great as a diaper changing mat!
Loved your video. Would use the mat for air drying big pots and pans and for placing under the dogs’ water dish.
I would use it for the big dishes, too…and/or possibly for drying all of the recycling that has to be rinsed out first. Cool!
I would love it for my big dishes. I have an ugly plastic tray I use now. Love it.
I have travel mugs that are not dishwasher safe. I wash them by hand daily and this would be perfect for them once washed. Also fruit as it is washed.
i would use it for bath tub toys!
new twitter follower neenee_is_me
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Dishes for sure – we just use regular dish towels and they always end up on the floor and having to run through the laundry. Maybe if I win a second one, I’ll stick it in the bathroom for my drippy son to stand on after his bath.
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I would love on of these, I plan on using it for just dishes, I know boring right?
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definitely dishes!
I would love one for all the extra thanksgiving dishes!
I would use it to dry the babies bottles on
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Found your blog from link on “Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers” blog. I subscribed via email and am following on GFC.
I would use this for dishes or maybe craft projects. (Thank goodness we have that laminate flooring, because DD has spilled black paint more than once! *lol*)
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I hate to washing my pans. After drying one my towel is soaked. I would love to have this to use with all of my pans.
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I currently utilize dish towels to dry my pots and other dishes on. Interesting drying cloths…I would probably use them for just that…to lay my pots and other dishes out to dry on. *love* that these can simply be folded and put away in a drawer when not in use 🙂
I would use it for the overflow of dishes from the dish drain. Thank you for the giveaway.
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I would definitely use it for dishes, but I would also use it to mop up the messes my 4 boys drip all over the kitchen floor!
I would also use it for overflow of hand washed dishes. I am a freak when it comes to putting certain stuff in the dishwasher. I handwash way too many dishes for someone with a perfectly good dishwasher. And I am a slob. Therefore, the pots,pans and other handwasher get piled high before I finally get around to washing them….I guess it’s just another detail!
I would use this mat for my kids when they are doing water activities. It looks like it is pretty absorbent.
You are funny. In your video you started hollering before you had even turned around.
Anyway i have seen these in the stores although I have been just using a bath towel folded for drying my dishes but one of those mats would be nice and to also to use for veggies as well.
I have already liked you on fb.
I would use mine to put drying dishes on, but unlike you, I would put mine under a drain tray. I have no dishwasher, so I have to be able to stack dishes up higher or they would cover my whole kitchen (sometimes I wait a little too long). I’m with you on the grossness of the mat under the drain tray. Mine gets so gross that if any dishes fall through and touch it, I have to re wash them. And I don’t even want to talk about how grossed out I get when I don’t have it quite close enough to the sink and the water leaks from in onto the counter. Ewww.
Hmmm . . . I have one – so I might give it as a gift – or most likely would keep it – maybe use two and maybe get rid of (ouch) my dishdrainer. I too pile up my handwashables – and I too, am a slob!
I would replace my old Dish drying rack, and I would also like to try and use it during canning. I think it would be wonderful to have a “dishrack” that can fit in a drawer!! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!
Oh, I would use it for all the overflow of dishes that won’t fit in the dish I so love your 31 days of details post.
I already follow you on FB.
Oh how I dislike the dish drainer!
I’d use it for drying dishes (hate the dish drainer), as well as all of those veggies/fruits on my bulk-cooking days.
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I would use it for my dishes–I know, not really original. However, it would be great for my pans that I handwash!!
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I would love to use this rather than my nice dish towel!
I like you on facebook (Kala Thomas DeMeyere)
Blue is my favorite color, and my kitchen is blue! I’d use it to dry my “too-big- for-the dish-washer” items. Thanks!
I have to use a dish drainer and I have hard water . It constantly leaves white residue and is so hard to clean,would love to never use another one, and I would love to have something like this,how wonderful.
I’d give it to the kids so they don’t make so many puddles when washing dishes.
I would love to use this for washing the produce from our garden!
What a great way to dry dishes! That would be my favorite use for it. =)
Liked A Slob Comes Clean on Facebook. =)
Would love it for drying dishes. 🙂
We as a family of 9 have no dishwasher- except our hands! We would use it along with our strainer because I have yet to find a strainer big enough to accommodate.
I would use it for setting fresh foods on that I had washed. I always end up with a mess of water all over my counter!!
I’d use it for drying fruits & veggies as well clean dishes.
Really been enjoying your videos. You have a great funny personality. I think we could be friends;-)
So need it for dishes
I would use it for cleaning up spills and drying dishes.
Thanks for the giveaway Nony!
sweetpea101506 at aol dot com
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sweetpea101506 at aol dot com
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sweetpea101506 at aol dot com
A mat like this would be great! We have a large family and no dishwasher, except for me…lol.
I have to hand wash dishes at least twice a day to keep up with our family of eight (soon to be nine!) I pile them in huge stacks on a worn out bath towel. They take forever to dry!
I like A Slob Comes Clean on Facebook!
I have no dishwasher, so one of these would go to good use.
This sounds great. we are a family of 8 sooo LOTS of dishes, tubtoys and other, also i would use one for canning, fruit and veggie and i am sure we would find other uses as it came.
I would use the cloth to save my bathroom floor after my little ones have helped ‘put away’ their bath toys and half soaked the floor.
I would love to use it for my dishes. No dishwasher here so a super cloth to put under my dish rack would be lovely.
We do our dishes by hand, and I would love to try one of these wonder clothes under my dish rack.
would love to win!
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I would use it to replace my dish rack. The less clutter, the better!
I would use to dry dishes, we wash and dry our dishes by hand daily. We’re a family of 10 and we have one of them, which we love, but we’d definetley would love another one!
I’d use it, of course, for the counter and laying my wonderfully hand washed dishes on it. (since my dishwasher is almost always full!).
I would tie this to my son. He is learning how to drink from a “big boy cup” and he leaves lots of puddles in the process. If this were dragging behind him, it would make my life a bit easier =)
I’m lucky enough to have my mom watch my kids 2x per week. When she is over, she’ll do my dishes and leave them to dry on the counter. This would be perfect!! No more wet counters!
Oh how I love this mat! I have a large one and I really need another.
This would be awesome to try on windows (probably using water instead of chemical window cleaners)!
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Thanks !
I have a dishwasher, but I would use it for the dishes I have to handwash. So handy and I love that it’s padded too!!
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We’ve never had a dishwasher (other than the eat us-out-of-house-and-home kind), and my dish drain is 20 years old. (They don’t make the kind I need anymore!) I would LOVE to get rid of my stained old plastic drain and replace it with a sanitary, neat dish mat! Thanks for the chance to win one!
I’d love one of these for my dishes!
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And I’m following you on Twitter now.
This is so cool! I would use it for drying dishes or whatever else I need to dry. Love that you can put it away when not in use. Clean counters! 🙂
I “liked” you FB page, “A Slob Comes Clean.” 🙂
I would use it for dishes. I currently use two dish towels under my rack and they still get soggy.
I would use mine to air dry dishes. The rental we are living in has a huge marble island and the hard water dripping off our dishes is staining it 🙁
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I would use for those glasses that I “lovingly” hand wash. Even though I feel as though I sound bitter, this seems like an amazing product!
I would use it for dishes since I don’t have a dishwasher and for fruits and veggies!
I would definitely use it for dishes. I got rid of my dish drainer years ago and switched to a small one that fits in the sink. I like that better, but it still isn’t ideal. I’d love to try that mat!
I would use this to help me keep the mountain of dishes to the left of my sink from dripping all over the floor when they are drying.
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And I forgot to add another reason for use…drying breast pump parts which barely have time to dry before the next use.
definitely would use it for my out-of-control kitchen counters!
I don’t like to do the handwash only dishes. In fact they will sit in the left side of the sink until my Dad gets to them. I will load the dishwasher every night picking around those pesky things that cannot go in. In fact, my 3 year old and Dad are washing those items as I type. She thinks playing in the water is fun- hence the drying pad- and he lays out numerous towels .
I already follow you on Facebook, so this is my entry for that.
Would love to replace my dish drainer and I think it would be great for rinsing produce also 🙂
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I think I’d use it for air drying those pesky pieces that can’t go through the dishwasher! Thanks for the chance!!
I would use it for dishes 🙂
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