Please note: I’m claiming artistic license more than scientific fact in this post. I’m okay with that.
I think I have some sort of disability when it comes to caring about weather predictions.
I can not watch the weather. I’m incapable.
I’ve tried.
There are times when I know inside my logical-grown-up brain that I need to find out if tomorrow’s picnic might be canceled. I stand in front of the TV and shush the kids, repeating the oft-heard phrase from my childhood . . . “I need to see the weather!”
Five minutes later, I realize that the weather segment is over and I have no idea what the weatherman said. My mind wandered away to something far more interesting than temperature or humidity. So I go back (using my handy-dandy DVR) and try again.
Five more minutes, and I am equally clueless. I just can not bring myself to care about everyday weather predictions.
If it rains, I’ll get wet and then I’ll dry. And I’ll be fine.
Tornadoes in the area? I’m there. 40% chance of rain? Could not care less.
Thankfully, I have a husband who stops the kids from walking out in flip-flops when it’s 40 degrees outside.
Ummmm, so what’s the point?
I’ve decided that my bed is our home’s Housekeeping Barometer. I know that barometers have something-or-other to do with the weather. But their role in it is difficult to define. Even by my weather-lovin’ hubby.
Something about air pressure.
But air pressure isn’t obvious. It doesn’t get me wet or make me sweat or cause me to regret not taking the time to dry my hair before leaving the house.
The barometer doesn’t show you the weather, but it gives you a pretty good idea of the direction the weather is going to go that day.
You can tell what the state of my home is going to be by the state of my bed. Well, not YOU, because I’d lock the door before you actually saw it.
This occurred to me last week when I realized that I hadn’t made my bed . . . in a while.
And at the same time, the entire house was spiraling out of control.
When the house is under control and I’m clipping along following my daily checklists and doing my weekly tasks, the bed is generally made.
To my slob-brain, the connection feels as ambiguous as the whole what-exactly-does-a-barometer-tell-you-about-the-weather? thing.
But it’s not ambiguous. I can decide to make my bed. I don’t have to wait and see if it’s a wad of blankets or a smooth surface after I get up. A little muscle movement and a purposeful mental decision, and the bed is made. And when the first thing I do in the morning is make the bed, I’m much more likely to be in the right frame of mind to head to the kitchen and empty the dishwasher.
And once I’ve emptied the dishwasher, the kitchen has a chance of staying clean for the rest of the day.
And if the kitchen is clean, I can spend small snippets of available time picking up clutter in the living room.
And so on and so on.
Almost like magic.
But not at all like magic.
I’m linking this up at Raising Homemakers’ Homemaking Link-Up.
What a great analogy! Thanks for sharing. I guess I’m off to figure out what my “barometer” is!
THANK YOU for showing it’s still a struggle. I learned not to go like gang-busters because I quickly crash and burn, but when slowly start to implement and things go well then crash I feel HOPELESS. If you can keep it up, so can I. Right???
I totally agree! My friend told me years ago, “If the bed is made the room looks cleaner.” So true. I like to time myself when I do things, so I don’t dread them as much. Knowing it only takes one minute to make it, makes it easier to do.
Great post! I know I have one for each room like the bed, the sink, the couch, the bathroom floor etc… but I wonder if I have one that affects the whole house. I bet I do, and I’d love to figure it out!
This post made me giggle. It reminds me of the “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie…” books. I had never thought of it like that before but it’s the same in my house. Once I get started the momentum seems to have a mind of its own.
Uhmmm, you know that you can actually make the bed (almost) before you get out of it, right? Lay in the middle; find the top of the sheet; pull it up fully and center it over yourself; ditto for all other layers; fold back the side by which you are leaving; stand up, straiten the fold and tuck in the pillows. Done. Kinda like learning to take off your socks so that they are still right side out.
this is such a great analogy. not that, mind you, i have ANY idea what a barometer is for either! 🙂
but i have some exciting news!!! a week and a half ago, my son and DIL came over and helped me clear out/rearrange furniture/purge some stuff and as of today, my sitting room (in the master) STILL looks like it did TEN DAYS AGO!!!! this is pretty huge!!! we’ve lived in the house for about 16 years or so and this is the first time that my sitting room has actually had room for……wait for it……..sitting!!! i wish i knew how to post pics. not that i have a before picture. nor would i post it if i did!
last night i went to bed after the hubs so i just crawled into bed in the dark. when i woke up this morning i noticed that he’d put my purse and scarf (which i’d left on the bed in the afternoon) on my dresser. my 10 days ago cleared off and beautifully arranged dresser. and i thought, that needs to be put where it belongs. huge on TWO fronts…..1) i NOTICED it! and 2) i wasn’t content to leave it there! guess i better get off the computer and go put them away now. 😛
thanks for the inspiration, nony!!!
I am much the same way but it is a combo of my Bathroom and bed that is the barometer. LOL
Mine is totally my hair. If it’s brushed, usually I am in the right frame of mind to work. If I just throw it in a bun, then its a play and watch movie day. My FOUR year old gets excited when she sees a bun in my hair. She says “ITS BEEEYOOOOTIFUL!!!!”
Hi, Along the lines of compensating for tendencies I visit the official weather website over here It provides all the information and live radar. Mind you a far more changeable climate here, can have warmth in winter and snow(in the hills) in summer depending which way the wind blows.
I like the idea of a barometer/indicator. If I have dropped 5 things by lunch I am anxious, bruises from bumping into aggressive furniture tired, said something harsh stressed. House a disaster area many causes which I appreciate your help in isolating.
I hear ya on watching the news, waiting for the weather, then miss it! All while staring at the screen but the brain went somewhere else. 🙄
Thank goodness now there’s weather apps to check 24/7!
Thanks for sharing your life’s experience with us in a way that makes us smile and inspires us to keep moving forward. You’ve helped me understand myself more.