In the months before I began this blog, as I was reaching a breaking point, I stopped going to garage sales.
I didn’t know what to do with the stuff that was in my house, and I knew that every time I went “garage saling” I came home with more stuff.
I remember when I tried to do the Flylady thing, I was most horrified when she said that people like me shouldn’t go to garage sales. I thought I was different. I thought I could handle it.
I was in denial.
My problem is that I have a very hard time resisting the things I didn’t know I needed until I drove up to that particular house. But once I see these things, and find out they are “practically free” . . . I know that my life will not be complete without them.

Yesterday, I hit a few sales because hubby had taken the boys to do man-stuff and my daughter and I wanted to treasure hunt. I missed all of the best buys since my daughter somehow slept until almost 9:30.
This was good, as it followed my own advice about waiting until the sales are picked over. I was rather proud of myself leaving most of the sales empty-handed.
It was bitter-sweet.
But I did score a few things, like the must-have wicker dress-form above. I justified buying it because I could picture the exact spot where I would put it. Then, when I brought it home, I saw that the spot which was empty in my head was not empty in reality. It was filled with a shelf I purchased on a garage-saling day about a month ago.
Happily, I found her a place in the dining room.
I also found:

Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys
books which went straight to the proper bookshelf.
They’re books!
Totally justifiable.
And I was excited about timing of this find:
Three baskets that I NEEDED for my bathroom drawer. And they gave me all three for a QUARTER.
I was impressed with my self-restraint. Two sets of minimal-space-taking needed items, and only one human-sized-totally-unnecessary one.

I love that you found those drawer organizers – too funny. And I agree, I love garage sales but they are dan-ger-ous! I am having one of my own at the end of May and cannot wait to get rid of all my junk!
Okay, that bear is ridiculous. I mean, really. Who thinks up life-sized stuffed animals anyway??? However, I'm very impressed by your restraint. I've never actually bought anything from an infomercial, but I kind of feel this way. When I happen to see one, I immediately find myself thinking, "That is AMAZING! I must have one NOW! How have I lived so long WITHOUT ONE!?"
Also – Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys books? AWESOME find. I am officially jealous.
I also too love Garage Sales and I really don't need anymore stuff. I cure that by reselling. So..I get to garage sale and I make money off what I buy. Check out my blog sometime. I totally would be selling those Nancy Drew and Hardy Boy books.
That bear made me laugh. :>)
I'm a total sucker for books. I LOVE to read. Only problem is dd2(next month) is quite clingy and will get rid of anything taking my attention away from her. She's ripped several books, some were dd7 school books, some belonged to the library. Luckily I've been able to tape them so far, but I don't really want to take any chances. Needless to say, I have two bookshelves full of books that I don't have time to read. Maybe one day…
I totally have that same wicker lady! Isn't she awesomely unnecessary?!!
I stay faaarrr away from yard sales and thrift stores just because I always come back with something I don't need. However, if I need something, I'll allow myself to go searching for it. The funny part is I'll make myself go straight to that section and NO WHERE else in the store. lol
Love, Love, Love the huge giant teddy bear. So, So, So glad it's at your house and not mine!!! 🙂
This is so funny because I myself am going through a minimalist stage and getting rid of a lot of good stuff on the mere basis of "i don't need it and I don't love it". Thanks for being brave enough to share those impulses we all have on some level.
I love the dress form in the picture at the top of this article. Where can I find one? Just kidding!
Yard sales are okay, but I do not go to them in the summer. I think the heat makes me too soft headed and I buy lots of things that I do not need. During the other three seasons, I can actually drive right past them… unless zI see something that I absolutely must have. Stop laughing!
Thrift stores are great fun. I have even called ahead to see if they accept my debit card…
Okay, so I have a problem with buying stuff that I think I need. Sometimes I actually find ways to utilize these things to justify their presence in my home. My husband is a kind soul. He humors me until he runs out of room in the “cave” for his stuff… Now you can laugh! Ha ha!
Dianne in the desert
‘No, that’s not a child-sized chair.’
That made me actually laugh out loud and that is TOTALLY something that my own daughter would have tried to buy. She already has about 50,000 stuffed animals and babies (only a slight exaggeration), so I would have had to deny her that one.
We went to yard sales this morning and I did really good. I came home with room darkening curtains for my bedroom and a pressure canner as I want to learn to can my own food. A new one in the store is $60 and up, but I only paid $2 so if I find I am hopeless at canning, I’m not out of a great deal of money. I did buy my daughter an educational game and got my niece the Razor scooter she has been begging for. My husband, on the other hand, came home with ANOTHER Cabbage Patch doll for our 2 year old who already has 50 dolls and a picnic basket. More than 20 years of marriage and we have yet to go on a picnic, but he apparently thought we needed it. Ugh, how do you get your husband who’s a hoarder to declutter? I’m doing a good job so far, but he just keeps bringing stuff in.
Sounds like y’all had fun!! Here’s a podcast I did on husbands and decluttering: https://www.aslobcomesclean.com/2013/12/014-husbands-and-decluttering-podcast/
Jennifer-I have to say something because if I don’t I will worry about this! Please contact your county extension to get instructions for how to test your canner and calibrate it properly so that you can safely. It only takes as much time as boiling a gallon or so of water takes, and you can be sure your canner is working right and the things you can are safe to eat.
I hope you really enjoy canning, my husband and I spend every weekend together every summer canning stuff! 🙂
Super dangerous I can go grocery shopping without a list I have no problem there but thrift stores and yard sales are the worst I will always bring something home that I think why did I get that mostly I stopped yard sales I think the I can’t go back tomorrow part makes me buy stuff I would not otherwise buy
That bear, if he gets to stay, is definitely not going to fit on that bluish distressed bookshelf turned stuffed animal container in you daughter’s room!