As I shared last week, my schedule has changed and I’m no longer home on Tuesday mornings. For all of my loosi-goosiness, I guess I’m also a schedule-lover because this change in routine makes me want to throw my hands up in the air and totally give up.
But today, the second Monday of this new routine, I again cleaned the bathrooms in addition to doing laundry.

It’s sinking in that Monday just may end up being my most important day of the week. As life changes greatly next fall when my youngest goes to kindergarten, I might have to combine even more tasks onto a single day.
One of the biggest positives about having a Laundry Day is that I’m home all day. And I’m in housekeeping-mode all day. Which helps me notice things like the scene above.
Obviously, I never took a moment to put the out-of-season clothing back in its storage place after digging around for jackets on Friday. In moments (literally), it was back to this:

Ever so much better! And it also helped me see how well Hubby has been doing with the new system I gave him! If I left it as a big messy pile of clothes, I doubt the system would have kept working for long.
You probably talk more about schedules versus spontaneity later. I agree that I like some predictability, but I also am a commitment phobe. I am grateful for your ability to express your thoughts. I am still at a fairly minimal routine, but at least it is sticking. I like your emphasis on what works for me, not just the activity, but also emotionally. Overwhelm, avoidance, etc.
I just discovered you and I am so grateful that I did! You truly speak my language. I’ve already ordered your book and finally have some hope that I’ll be able to tame my home. Thank you so, so much!