I’m joining in the Ultimate Blog Party over at 5 Minutes for Mom. Here’s a basic summary of what A Slob Comes Clean is all about:
I started my blog on the first day of school, in August ’09, because:
I’m a slob.
I was sick of being a slob, and tired of feeling helpless to change.
I had STUFF, way too much, and needed something to keep me focused on getting rid of it.
I knew how to clean, but was so random about it that I never had a clean house unless I knew the specific hour when the doorbell was supposed to ring.
I desperately wanted to start blogging, but could not justify letting one more thing take my focus away from my home.
Now, it’s a year and a half later, and:
I’m still a slob. I’ve learned that my brain is not like that of “normal” people, and I’ll always and forever have to make adjustments for my special-ness if I want to keep my home in order.
My house is generally livable now.
I have a lot less stuff, but a lot more stuff left to purge.
I know what needs to be done to have a clean house. There are days when I still don’t do those things, but now I get it.
What would you gain by joining me on my journey?
Honesty. Complete and total honesty. One of my main purposes in this blog was to make myself stop making excuses.
Reality. Other cleaning blogs have fabulous lists and ideas and charts for you to follow. I share my reality. I do have lists and charts and ideas, but my main purpose in sharing them is to show how they really work, for a real-life slob. Are they realistic? Do they solve my unique slob-problems? Are they sustainable?
Hope. By being consistent, staying focused, and sharing my deslobification process with others who have the same struggles, I have gained hope. Change is possible. It isn’t easy by any means, and it is far from instant . . . but it is definitely possible.
A Community. Believe me, when I started this blog, I was petrified that I would only receive mean and critical comments and that everyone who stumbled upon it would be horrified by the slob-thoughts I was admitting to. I am continually surprised and heartened to learn that I am far from alone. This blog is a positive place where it’s okay to be yourself. I hope you’ll stick around.
I love check-lists! I print them out, set up special binders and then never look at them again–lol! I too, have a hard time keeping a clean house. Of course, I will admit that it's not high on my list of things I like to do. I need to do better.
Spell Outloud UBP11 Post
You ARE far from alone – want to come clean out my closets? 😉
Stopping by from the UBP – would love to feature your blog sometime (pass your encouragement on to other bloggers!)!
Nice to meet you! Let's party. 🙂
I am stopping by from the Ultimate Blog Party and am totally intrigued with your blog. I can't wait to dig in and read some more of your posts.
It seems like I am always on a mission to get rid of stuff, straigthen a cluttered area, etc. It's a constant battle.
Anxious to check out your blog.
Feel free to visit me at Home Matters some time.
Hi. I'm stopping by from the blog party! It's nice to meet you!
Hi, I just found you on the Ultimate Blog Party! Your blog looks great and I love the name! So creative. I'm looking forward to reading more!
What honesty! Love it. I struggle with keeping my home clean as well. I look forward to browsing your blog.
Glad to have met you at UBP11'
Oh my! I'm a slob too… and I live with a slob! I definitely don't want our children growing up to be this way, so I'm going to look around and see what all you have to say!
Come by for a visit sometime!
Michelle @ FTSN
I have to say that I love all the honesty here! Gotta follow along with you! UBP11!!
Hello! Love your blog. Find me at http://www.way2goodlife.com
P.S. Also if you can find a minute and vote for me as elenka29 here http://www.mamavation.com/2011/03/vote-for-mamavation-mom-3.html
(it's a competition to get into fitness bootcamp for moms. There is no registration – just click and submit). Looking forward to reading more of your posts
Found your blog through UBP and am a new follower. I am excited to start exploring, particulary because I'm learning how to live with a slob – my husband.
Would love if you'd stop by and follow me at http://www.decoratingdiy.blogspot.com
Turning a House into a Home
Hi! I found your blog through the UBP and I've been reading (and reading!) posts. I'm a natural born slob too. While it sounds like my house didn't get into the state yours had, I'm constantly having to remind myself to do things that I know I should do, but don't. You know? 🙂 So anyway, I think I'll be here reading a while…
Hi! I'm a new follower through UBP2011! I am not a slob, just lazy! lol. I'm excited to start reading more of your posts because you sound hilarious.
You can check out my blog here: http://infertilenanny.blogspot.com/2011/04/5-minutes-to-mom-ultimate-blog-party.html
Hey there! Found your blog through UBP and
la-ove it!! I have been reading for awhile now…guess I better stop and go do the dishes lol
I am your latest follower and can't wait to read more!
Hello, Nony! I'm stopping by from UBP2011. Nice to "meet" you! I really like, like, like your blog! I have to read more, and I am going to:)
Have a nice day!
Dimitra from greenceramictablelamp.blogspot.com
Visiting from the UBP2011. Love your honesty about all that it takes to be organized. I also struggle with the, "What to do with all this stuff each day horrors." I look forward to following your blog. Hugs
Love your honesty…love a real blog
What a fantastic party. I have am trying to read as many blogs as I can but think I am running out of time.
I have already found some new blogs that are jewels.
I wish there was time to read every single one….
Hope you will stop by…I have some extra giveaways on my party post and all you have to do is comment.
Hey there, I'm stopping by from UBP, your blog name caught my eye. I too struggle with keeping a clean and tidy home, looking forward to reading more of what you've got! I hope you'll stop by my blog sometime, http://www.icantstopcrafting.blogspot.com
I try to be as organized as possible and lists sometimes help me to do that.
I am so happy to have found your blog. I am stopping in from the Ultimate Blog Party and this is my very first year participating and this is SO VERY exciting!! LOL
Anyhow…please stop by my blogs and follow whenever you get the opportunity:
So Stylilized is where I am currently offering FREE Custom Blog Designs at http://sostylilized.blogspot.com/2011/04/ultimate-blog-party.html
And…Jessica Lil Corner is where I am blogging about family and life at http://jessicaslilcorner.blogspot.com/2011/04/ultimate-blog-party.html
I welcome your visit at either or both of my blogs and hope to have you stop by and follow really soon!!
Have a very blessed day!! :0)
Hi! I'm stopping by from the UBP…it is going to take me a while to go through all of the links, but I am really enjoying meeting new bloggers! Come over and visit to see how I am creating a healthy home for my family if you get the chance! I'm your newest follower!